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((( COOL )))

Hey nice work again, i like the action in this one, the backrounds cameout cool again, good little fight with awsome effects, animating nice and smooth, great work, hope to see more soon...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: A nother great flash...


((( AWSOME )))

Well you called and i came to check out the rest, and btw thaks for the decent reply, Well here we go, it was a large file size but from the auality put into it i can understand, Cool the graphics is intence, i just wish i knew how to animate like that, it was a preview, and showed what a preview should show. which is bits here and there of different things that will happen in the full ver of the movie, great artwork even though im not a fan of the DBZ stuff, love the detail and the backrounds, backrounds are what i look for in the movies that i review, great job...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Intence graphics, one power punch of a preview...


((( COOL )))

Hey that was a cool preloader, nice 3d effect, maybe have the tank shoot its cannon or somthing nice work...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Preloader 2...


((( HMMMMMMM )))

Not sure what this was, but the music made it sad, seemed kinda mean at the end, still thinking what this is, but the art was ok, and i like the realistic blood...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Strange and odd...


((( COOL )))

I like this one its abit interactive, amd is funny, like him kicking on that guy, or sending the bomb back hehe, needs sound though, very funny stuff...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Funny but needs some sound...


((( HMMMMMM )))

Hmmmm ok, well it was atad funny, you got all the right pics, but you forgot about the porn star and larry flint who are also running, heheh vote for the porn star she will offer you all the porn in the world hahah, heheh anyways funny film...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Vote for the pornstar...


Voxton responds:

Oh well, there are a lot of people running, I didn’t aim to cover them all, just Gary and Arnold – this time. I may make another one, still.

((( NICE MUSIC )))

Nice music, and i like the see thru sticks, allthough i dont know if the see-thru works with the text as i cant read it all due to the fact that there is other art in the back, funny flick though, it has classic stick style to it...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: The see-thru sticks...


((( HMMMMMMM )))

Ha lol, ok well it does need some work in a few areas, audio, art, animation, etc, needs alot of animation and not just bodies of the characters, but animation of the arms legs heads, and that audio really needs to be changed to be abit louder, better luck next time...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Its a start...


((( GOOD WORK )))

Cool stuff, the art was very detailed like the backrounds, and the animation was right on, i didnt like the cuting parts yikes hehehm funny ninja story, lots of comedy...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Order to go...



Heh ok well first off that audio from the sopranos guy, doesnt go to well with a stick, maybe a better character yes, decent backrounds like the place he broke into by the window, and the soparnos guy audio seemed louder then the other sticks audio, it was a ok story though...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Soprano guy...


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