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((( HMMMMMM )))

Ha well it was silly and strange, im not one for the sprite style, but it was abit funny with all the crazy talk, might want to add a play button so it doesnt just start automaticly, but notbad, the crazy talk was funny lol...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: craxy talk...


((( WOW )))

WoW now that was awsome, the character sesigns was superb, the voice avting was perfect except that one dude who got sand blasted, great animationg smooth and sharp looking, the ball was awsome, the effects from the ball and its power just amazed me, this has to be one of the best movies on newgrounds yet wow, and thats talent folks...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: and thats talent...


((( DECENT )))

Well its a decent stick movie, the black and white was cool, but i would like to see more backround detail, aswell as some color, walls windows cracks in walls, skyline, etc, but more color forsure, good film with decent music, keep it up...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Decent stick film, just needs some color...


((( WOW )))

Wow that was good, i just love what you did with the colors, very good artwork, everything also seemed very sharp and crisp like the audio to the graphics, very awsome, the sounds matched the lip synking aswell, hehe and it made me laugh, also that one dude with the hair heh he was like crazy in your face, anyways great job, and congrats on the award...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Superb graphics...


((( HMMM OK )))

Well yeah like the last guy said, but my thing is that the text is very small i can read it but still small, maybe add some music so we can enjoy the experience abit more, notbad though...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: A newgrounds tutorial...


Homophobe responds:

Note To XwaynecoltX (((SHUT UP)))

((( LOL OK )))

Well hmmm ok it was ok, the characters are good, but why only one hand or is that just one side of them, the humor was ok just abit too much on the race remarks thing, and im sure some will flame you for it, it was ok though, i did find the characyers kinda interesting...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Sticky topic...


Neonical responds:

Thank you.

((( HMMMMM )))

WEll ok notbad, good little I n S Flash welldone with great sharp looking animations, almost too good for newgrounds, but it works, made me laugh, i would like to see somthing more original though like a made up character from the author, but anyways it was funny...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Itchy and scratchy...


((( AWSOME )))

Well another great animation by sully one of my favorites, nice work, cant really give advice on the trailer since you dont need any, its awsome, great shadowing, and great backrounds, the interface on selecting the part one and part two was cool, anyways nice job...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Sully the master...


((( NICE )))

Yeah i would say thats some nice tribute, i remember the original jz it was awsome, so this music video/tribute kinda takes me back, nice 3d car aswell, also like the hand coming out of the ground, good show, keep up the awsome work...



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