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((( COOL )))

Ok that was cool, i like how it was verywell done with good quality and just under 100kb, the characters were simple and cute, the animating was smooth and the sound was just right, seemed abit laggy though, but still nice job, i was pleased...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Wow only 99k...


((( OK )))

Hmmmmmm well ok, its a start on newgrounds, i do like the colors used, the idea well it was ok, there could be more animating, the characters kinda reminded me of south park but still need some cleaning up, i would like to see more atistic style and not just asume that the whole sex thing is what gets pts, maybe fix the audio up abit aswell, i thaught i herd some static, could be that you are talking too close to the mic, ohwell just some input on the film i just saw, dont get upset like most new people do cause thease are some problems with this film, and since you posted the film up for view, people will see it, well hope you dont get too upset cause new people do get upset when they hear the points of the film that didnt go well, so i guess this is where you maybe not start cussing or somthing ohwell, its a decent idea of a film, and it was abit funny, just needs some detail...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Its a start, and has good amount of colors used...


BillySchwaggles responds:

OK, thanks...reivewing a movie posted months ago is cool, im working on something new right now...maybe you can check it out after its already been up forever...IT WAS MY FIRST MOVIE!!! Jesus H. Christ on a fuckin cross!!! maybe you could hold the mic for me, im sure youre quite good at that kind of cylinder grabbing...uck!!! are you bitter because Violet took time from maiking Ghost Motel to do The Stillbournes? and im sure the sex scene is the only reason it survived...im not upset cause im "new" just cause youre a dousche...here's a though...DIE SIR!!! then I'd be alot happier...just because you didnt find it funny and are "above" that..theres no need to trash...you kissed mooshakes ass probably because you thought you could get in that moron's pants and she has some terribly boring material...and you "loved"the stillbournes, and Violet didnt even adjust my volume correctly, where's your sound critque of that??? ha

((( WOW )))

Wow that was awsome, it was very artistic like, kinda ran slow, but it was ok, i like the art most of all very art like and painting like style, the ending was funny though heh, good story and good animating...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Artistic like...


((( NICE )))

Hey that was a neat scene, it was as long as ascene, a movie should have many scenes not just one, but has awsome effects, nice blood effect aswell, Music was kickin and just the right touch for the scene, maybe add them all together for a good movie, needs to be longer, anyways great job, hope to see more soon...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Nice effects...


((( HMMMMMM OK )))

Hmmmm ok, well its abit on the wild side music is what im thinking, tips to improve hmmm well, maybe some other music might help, and maybe more color in the backrounds aswell as the character, its a start though, just tone done the music abit...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Its a start...


((( COOL )))

Hey nice work, it was very 3d-ish like, it ran kinda slow, but i was still entertained, good 3d effects though, and the sounds were very clear and sharp nice work, hope to see more like this...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: 3d entertainment...


~X~ RECORDS: First user to reach 3k/4k/5k/6k/7k/8k/9k /10k/11k/12k/13k/14k 15k/16k/17k/18k/19k/20K/21K/22K/23k/24k/25k/26k Reviews. CURRENT #1 REVIEWER* Since 2002

Age 51, Male


Joined on 1/17/01

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2y 6m 15d