((( NICE )))
Ha that was some awsome characters, i like how its very dark, and the voices are very well done, good shadowing to make it dark aswell, good flash, make more plz...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: Dark feal to it...
((( NICE )))
Ha that was some awsome characters, i like how its very dark, and the voices are very well done, good shadowing to make it dark aswell, good flash, make more plz...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: Dark feal to it...
((( LOL )))
Ha that was funny, made me laugh a few times, the joke were ok, the art was superb nice detail, and the sudio was clear and sharp, nice flash indeed, great job, hope to see more soon...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: Superb art style...
((( WHOAAA )))
Hey that was intence action, very impact film, the music is just so importent in the film and acts verywell with the animations, add voices though not that program, and dont let the clocks get the best of him, let him realise that he must stand alone and destroy the enemy, ok my mind tensd to get away from me, anyways awsome movie...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: long live The anti...
((( COOL MUSIC )))
Good music once again, and almost had a matrix style to the film, i would say add some voice dialog, it would make the film awhole lot better, andyways nice work once again...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: Some of the best music in this flash...
Cool i like them new characters, kinda starnge looking, but then again this is space, this is a good series as it does deal with space, and not to many flash movies like this are on newgrounds, anyways good work once again...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: Cool backrounds, and awsome scripting...
((( EPISODE 3 )))
Ok well now here we are on episode 3, and the story gets better as each episode moves on, voces would be great, while the music is still fresh, at really reminds me of a real movies style, it even gives me a david lynch style cause it tends to be silent and not so loud, anyways great job again...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: The story is getting better here...
Well once again the music is cool, i liked the music from the first alot better though, what gets me checking this series out most of all is the story, very good writing, the file size's are good size aswell, maybe abit more detail in the characters but still i like it...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: Decent animating, awsome scripting...
((( COOL )))
Well i think i saw one or two of thease awhile back, and thaught it was decent, didnt know you had this many though, looks good the music really pays off for the movie, well this will be fun watching this series, good job on this episode...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: Episode one the start of it all...
((( UNIQUE )))
Well that was different, but i love it, great comic style and most dont understand this kins flash but it is awsome, i live the fade text effect, i also like how if there are two people talking you show the first then the second text, nice work, it seemed kinda short but also make me wanting more, did you draw the images cause they seem out of a real comice like style, ohwell nice work, it is great...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: Comic style that is unique and true art style...
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