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Nice film

So this film was pretty good kind of dark in its own way, The voices are really well and the humor was actually pretty good, it was entertaining enough for me haha very good stuff here keep up the amazing film work.



Unique and entertaining

This was a nifty idea and entry, I do have to say that the narrative element really made this fun, the unique way you presented it with characters and how the backrounds really looked different along with the animation just made this toon pop all on its own, Onlything I may suggest would be some subtitles and might make for a fun feature for the viewers, You have made it a very enjoyble submission for the portal and for us all to enjoy, so nice effort there, So it seems you have an appetite for creativity And the work you have done here shows, Anyways it was a pleasure reviewing and checking out this fun film.

I may suggest would be some subtitles and might make for a fun feature for the viewers


AustinKimmell responds:

Thanks for the thoughts! I appreciate them!


I found this animation to be pretty cute the characters are very fun and act on there own, they have personality and you created that so props to you on that element, the toon itself was rather short and might fair even better with some more scenes and added story, The music was a plus and fitting for the scenes, And the voice work came out very well, anyways keep up the fun and entertaining toons I was pretty impressed.

the toon itself was rather short and might fair even better with some more scenes and added story,


A cute movie

So this was a fun and cute little movie you have created I love the smooth animation and cute art and was pretty comical at that, I think adding in some subtitles would be a nice feature, But it was a fun little toon you have created.

I think adding in some subtitles would be a nice feature



I really like the film here it was not short or too long but does have a nice beautiful cartoony color i am assuming thats the intent, but you gave it some fun comedy with some nice scenes I was most impressed with the colorful element.

None needed this time.


Unique film

So I found this film to be a pretty unique film in design especially with the picture bubbles, I do think more sound effects and some added music at focus points would be a plus, You really know how to showcase your work and focus on what makes it work, The animation is good Its clean and well colored in my opinion cute story and fun characters so nice job overall, I can see you making more submissions like this with all the delight that you gave this one.

I do think more sound effects and some added music at focus points would be a plus,


Very smooth short

Now dont get me wrong this here is pretty solid of a short clip would love to see it play some scene in a bigger movie and such, smooth movement it feels satisfying while it was short but very well animated, this character I've never heard of but your animation its fluid and the character expression is very good, The animation and voice work all came together very well and smooth.

would love to see it play some scene in a bigger movie and such



Well have to say this was some pretty good work and you really bring on some good visuals and scenes and make some unique characters with some interesting outcomes and made for some good elements and was entertaining I had some fun with this one hope you make more



Its good

So first of all congrats on all the awards for this one well deserving, the animation is pretty solid and you bring that whole nice character detail into this one, really like the details within the eyes here and overall this was a fun little fim you have created hope to see more of your work like this one it was a pleasure for sure anyways keep up the great work.



Good action

So with this one there was some very good animation but the story really plays off well here really good plot to the story here and the animation and graphics play along well with the animation as it was pretty smooth so really good animation and film all together


RicPendragon responds:

Yeah, this video, like Arrowtime, was me going back to see how much I'd improved in the year since I started to animate, I do feel I had a great change in that first year, I really came to grips with Flash to the point that even now, 14 years later, I couldn't imagine animating on any other program...even tho it was Macromedia Flash 2004 back then, and Adobe Animate CC 2022 now hahhaha

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