
20,788 Movie Reviews

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((( HA )))

Silly but funny, also short and sweet, probably might want to give a play button with maybe a stop action code so it doesnt just loop over and over, but it was funny and the audio was great, keep on flashing...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Short funny and sweet...


((( I LOVE THIS )))

Ha that had me laughing out loud really, when the one guy came up hehe, i dont know what program you used but might want to clean up the art just abit, and where did you get that funny audio, anyways great flash i love it...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Two dudes kinda get ghey..


((( SIMPLE )))

Simple but good idea, really could be longer, but i like your style in frame by frame, good work though, funny at the most, keep on flashing...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Short and simple but apealing...



Ha that was interesting, i would say ad some backround, maybe some kinda setting cityview or somthing, it would make it that much better, good cuts and slices though, nice amount of blood on deaths, the head flying scene was great, keep up the decent work...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: A slice and dice-em up flash...


((( HA )))

Ha kinda neat, really like the animation, kinda funny there at the end with the floor and all, also might want to add some backrounds, good animation though...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Clean animation, and abit funny...


((( SIMPLE )))

Yeah it was simple but kinda neat, i like that you have characters instead of sprites, funny old man, you should make some more kills, and add soem more backrounds...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Funny mortal combat parody...



Well this was ok, but could be longer and show us more on what you mean, and might want to fix that text i couldnt see the tail end of it, but it looks good and makes you think abit well for 11 minutes anyways...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: 11 minutes left...


((( YAY )))

OMG yeah this was awsome, it doesnt have the style or flavor of some your more classic ones like #2 or #5 but it was still funny, one of my favorite artists, "AlantheBOX", knox's voice was ok, and this film was great, wow just wow its been so long, i hope you would make another like #5 or maybe even a part two of that frence dude, anyways great job...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: B&W Drama Simply the best...


((( HEH )))

I dont know but i find myself just giving you 10,s for somereason, hmm anyways, funny flash, great audio, funny with the kids, it made me laugh, nice work...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Drugs = Funny...


TheOtherTruth responds:

Thank you for your review.

Well, if it made you laugh, that's a good thing!

Just to make sure that you get most out of your vote, I'm sending you a case of Niagra.....FREE!

Remember, "use with care" because safety is not guaranteed.

Thanks again!

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Age 51, Male


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