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((( COOL )))

Hey that was awsome, it needs more of the members to be introduced aswell as abit longer, but i liked it, the music was awsome, great NG ARMY Movie...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Simply the best of the rest..


Vaslious responds:

Thanks ~X~, I have a few ideas as far as a preloader, that can (by using buttons) scroll to different pics of members characters with bios for each. It might be too much for a preloader, but it's an idea i had.

((( THIS I LIKE )))

Ha, as a fan i love it, as a newground viewer and creator its ok, but needs more smooth animation, characters were cool but could use some more detail nice eyes though, anyways nice job and dont forget to visit us in the bbs...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Classic, funny and just great for the fans...



Z-Raziel responds:

nice to hear some positive words :) .you are right it's fan-designed and about the details-i really really suck at he shades so i didn't put in any.

((( LOL )))

Ha that was great i hope this gets protected cause it really made me laugh haha, keep em coming...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Funny and short...


((( NEEDS MORE )))

Hey this needs more, i do like the style, and along with the music it was kinda cool to see, kinda short and seemed like it needed more, but it was cool, just add more stuff and characters...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Cool to see but needs more...


((( HAHA )))

Ha i liked this one better then Livecorpse it had lots of style, and suce a funny character, the images presented were just right, and the song had me cracking up, so overall nice job...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Funny cute, and makes you laugh...


((( HAHA )))

That was almost perfect, short, but great, i like the backround, and cool effect with the breaking of the window, and the bouncing of MM, short but funny...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Short but just right...


Mr-Derp responds:

Techneon: wow, you just went over all the stuff I added. Heh, thanks

((( OK )))

I do like the art style of the characters, and i thaught i saw a homer simpson like in ther heh anyways good series, the audio was good but could be abit more clear, still somthing decent here to see...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Funny art, and decent backrounds...


RogerregoRRoger responds:

Okay thanks.Homer simpson appeared in the opening theme as part of a drum, and he is kind of a running gag in the serie by throwing a brik to Steven Hawkins head from time to time, altough it`s only happened once now.

((( OK )))

It was ok, not to sure if the way you had the mouths moving was that great, maybe change it different ways everynow and then, also maybe shorten up the intro abit, good characters though...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Decent art work...


~X~ RECORDS: First user to reach 3k/4k/5k/6k/7k/8k/9k /10k/11k/12k/13k/14k 15k/16k/17k/18k/19k/20K/21K/22K/23k/24k/25k/26k Reviews. CURRENT #1 REVIEWER* Since 2002

Age 51, Male


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