((( NICE BLOOD )))
Hey that was cool blood splats, sticks are ok, might look better with other type of characters though, great blood effects really made this film cool, hope to see more soon...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: Great blood effects...
((( NICE BLOOD )))
Hey that was cool blood splats, sticks are ok, might look better with other type of characters though, great blood effects really made this film cool, hope to see more soon...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: Great blood effects...
((( NICE )))
That was funny stuff, so have they sued you it, sound kinda drops out with still 2 seconds left going, anyways i thaught it was great, nice work, you should make more 30 second flash works, keep on flashing...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: More like 28 seconds...
((( NEEDS MORE )))
Needs more, sprites are cool, it does need more backround, the nusic was cool though, props on the sprites though very clear and crisp...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: Clear and crisp viewing...
((( OK )))
LOL well ill give you points for silly heh, cause it was very silly and i like some of the celebs used heh, all in all makes me laugh, might want to add some backround graphics...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: Silly fun celeb and maybe some random stuff...
((( AWSOME )))
Awsome i see great imrovments since the first episodes, ahh the assn yay now we in lod times whoot, the art has improved greatly aswell, great colors used, i hope there is more to come cause i cant get enough of diablo, i give you my 10,s cause diablo rocks...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: Awsome flash, a must see for diablo fans...
four words. I need female voices!!!!
((( OK )))
Well kinda odd, but i like the teal tone color, could use some music or somthing, still interesting style, some of the animation seemed abit slow, but still kept me viewing it, so notbad i guess...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: Interesting style of work...
((( AWSOME )))
Now that was awsome, this was welldone work, the man running was very smooth in animation, the changing with all the time and things was so cool, and the idea of the wheel was original, and then the exploding was cool, my only problem was the sound voice thingie, would have been better with a real voice, still nice work and this one is going in my movie favorites...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: Awsome and original...
Hey nice effects, the film really lacked in sound, but i guess its your test, still the effects came out well really cool attacks, needs sound...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: Nice effects...
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