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((( FUN IDEA )))

Heh it was a good idea, could use some more detail within the cube like the sides and back wall, also the sticks could use some face detail like some eyes and so-on, fun though, hope to see more soon...


((( KINDA SICK )))

Kinda sickning but funny as hell, i like the different screen shots, ha britney that was a good image of her though, could have animated her abit better, i sometimes wonder if this could have been a real thing on fear factor ha, that would be great, anyways it was ok, sick but ok...


((( HMMMMMM )))

Hmmmm well it was cool, even if i have seen about a thousand of thease, the only thing was it was just a skate movie, it lacked in a few areas, like no color, no violence, no falls etc, not that those things make it better but it needs more atleast sone color and detail...


((( OH YA )))

I loved it, white stripes are awsome so i give tens, anyways i think it was white stripes, good fast paced action, good effects, could be slown down abit though, it was great to watch though, hope to see more soon...



Really great effects with the movie, and the movie it slef or music video was cool with all the graphics, but one thing that did bother me, was the introduction of your name and so on it is way too long of a intro, people dont want to sit thru that, they want to see your movie or game, just some input on my side anyways, keep on flashing...


NightHawk77 responds:

Ya Ya Ya, ok, i know too long, it'll be shorter next time.

((( LOOKS GOOD )))

Looks good, kinda laggy, and really good music that fits with the audio, really great backrounds, could use more animation effects though, hope to see the full ver soon...


((( DECENT )))

Hey notbad, what i say should happen next is, he starts tearing, but thens gets pissed, breaks flower in half, and buys a big gun and makes a big bed of blood of the two, to only findout that, that was not even the girl she was late to the park, but its too late cause he is taken away to jail, where in the next episode big bubba awaits his cell mate ha, now that should be great, hope i helped, nice fun facts at the end...


alexsmolik responds:

Thanks for the compliment. I will consider your proposition for the sequel, and I am indeedy thinking of adding loads of blood for the next episode lol. Haha, big bubba... So many propositions... I'll see, I'll see...
Thanks for the review.

((( HA )))

Ha that was cute, silent film and all it was ok, just didnt seem the same without any audio, the bouncing was kinda funny, an ok film...


((( DECENT )))

Seems like a decent story, the 3 for graphics is cause sprites are already made by others, but the story was cool, and the music was evenn better, nice touch with the buttons since some scenes really go on forever, nice job though...


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