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Very intense

This is a dark yet intense film I had only wished it was even longer then it was you bring it in with some good deep elements and make the viewer really think and wonder and thats a plus, Now this was one of those films that just grab me and I have now added this to my faves list, You really know how to make some intense scenes with all sorts of happenings so nice efforts there its stuff like this that just pull you in and thats what you did with this viewer and reviewer.

Some very good work here, I do wish there was more scenes at the end and giving off more clues and such but it is what it is, it is a pleasure to review this you bring a lot to the table with this entry, Nice submission So this was new and fresh I like this because it was kind of different sort of like when you get a new spray or fragrance its fresh different and you want to check it all out, So I would say that the movie was amazing and this was a an intense submission.

Maybe a tad more longer with more ending



So the animation was really solid but the film kind of just ended and had wished there was more to this a few more scenes and maybe even bursting into some color might add onto this, but other then that you have really made a nice film here so keep it up.

As mentioned above



This really is a nice film here and really love the view points from top to sides and etc really made for the film to evolve with each new scene, great color and fast scenes to keep the story building and you really have made it build and made me want to see even more its a pleasure to have seen this one wish it was a tad longer.

Was not super short but feels like it went too fast would have loved more scenes and more story points because it was so good, It is bursting with great value and even some nice replay value you have some great qualifications for a great award and I nominate you for this format a great film of work if you ask me so please do grace us with more of your talents in the near future.

As suggested


Very good

This was actually a really good film with some nice slow build up scenes, the view shots in the animation came off well with some really good and dynamic drawings of sorts, you seemed to really know what you are doing as you are talented and showcased a pleasent story here and that story kept one interested so nice story depth on this little short of yours.

I do think there could have been some added scenes maybe a deeper story then you already have but overall this was some nice animation and a good one newground related loved the ending too, I love the value and replay value of this movie submission hope you do make more like this, You have a nice fresh element a good submission here some really nice fun here a great movie film on this one, So keep doing what you do.

could have been some added scenes maybe a deeper story then you already have but overall this was some nice animation


Buster98 responds:

Thank you for the review! Love the attention you gave it


Well I have to say this is notbad I love the style of art here gave it a sort of artistic element the batman at the start was really nice and unique my only issue with this was it was too short and would have been nice with some added scenes and such, anyways nice little film you created.

it was too short and would have been nice with some added scenes and such



Well this was actually notbad I really liked the flow of animation on this one so you did well there seems like you could have gone a tad longer maybe a few added scenes maybe another character but overall I found this to be pretty solid so nice job on this steamy scene.

As suggested


Here was something entertaining

The cuphead stuff I never got into but you really bring the entertaining points out, so to really start off this review I must say it was a decent entry to start with a great film here, you really do have something decent here and its unanimous that this is a highly popular entry, You even bring on some interesting character and well animated I liked the voices a lot and was some good quality sound all throughout, I also loved that you didnt make this short but with lots of scenes and such.

At first I wasn't expecting much But what I liked about this and that one was that it was a unique film from the start through the scenes and all the way to the end this was such a good find for today, I am glad I had a chance to check this one out as it was both entertaining with characters and some fun and wacky scenes and hope you keep making even more, So keep doing what you enjoy.

None at this time



Looks like this series has been a success over the years the sprites have always braught on some nice elements and you have really pushed the story base

The story brings on good depth with some nice outcomes but also love how the sprites make a big impact here a good series and do hope you continue onto this one day it was some nice scenes and visuals anyways nice film here


RicPendragon responds:

Still half tempted to retool it and reboot it, such good memories working on this old thing :) I still like to watch it now and again to see how much I've grown in skill.

Nice short

This was a pleasent film here especially with the cat and content it was short but I believe that was your intent it was a delightful piece, you have some good work here I love the direction you have taken with it all, It has offered alot of fun visuals from start to end, and thats something I have enjoyed about this submission.

As for the cat it was cute and some good sound work for the cat itself the animation all came together and made for a really nice film, I could even see you making more of these shorts with the cat in some kind of on going series and such, this is a very favorable idea you have going on here just an idea, but regardless I had fun reviewing this film and hope to see more soon.

I could even see you making more of these shorts with the cat in some kind of on going series and such


jackbliss responds:

Thank you so much for the well thought of detailed encouraging review. I really appreciate it. I have made a few other shorts with the cat you can find here on NG or on YouTube.com/jackbliss but definitely interested in doing much more.


So with this film and the different internet elements you make it more interesting I do have to say I love the narrating of this film really worked well for the scenes and content, you have some nice elements about it and it was an enjoyble little flick you have presented here and very stylish, I do think you could even do more of these typesas an ongoing series of sorts, You a have a decent film here While it may not be cutting edge stuff the style of this project is very impressive.

Its films like this that really bring on some thinking and thats one little thing I liked about it so nice job indeed, I am personally glad I had a chance to see this one and review it ofcourse, I call this film one for the ages and its one of those types of films that we all can enjoy, but anyways keep making interesting and fun films just like you have done here today.

I do think you could even do more of these typesas an ongoing series of sorts


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