((( WOW )))
Wow that was great, the 3d effects really come off well, it gets alot better about the middle and then on-and-on, then we have the music which really just blew away everything else, really nice job, glad i saw it...
((( WOW )))
Wow that was great, the 3d effects really come off well, it gets alot better about the middle and then on-and-on, then we have the music which really just blew away everything else, really nice job, glad i saw it...
((( COOL )))
Ha that was great what was that hotwheels or matchbox, anyways good clear viewing area, the cars crashed good, and the sound/FX was kinda neat...
Now thats a good idea, i say run with it, make many episodes, cause from this little flash it looks good, the art is ok, can be improved, and the music was cool, looks like it will work out well...
((( LOL )))
That made my day ha, great exploding ha, short and funny, but i vote for Bill Clinton oops he is not in the running so i pick um.....um Bob Dole, ya the one armed bandit ha....
((( HA OK )))
Didnt know what exactly this was about some game or somthing, ok i guess, the animation did seem abit slow, even the fade out part, but it was all good...
((( UM OK )))
Well it was ok, but it was not original, it needed more pazazz, and the clocks just dont have that, well not anymore anyways, good choice of music was great, the animation itself was ok, just the whole idea kinda didnt go to well...
((( HAHA )))
That was great along with the intro it had me rolling on the ground, areally funny flash and was well worth the award, so for that i congrat you, good stuff, it was teh Funny...
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