((( COOL )))
That was cool, the clay is awsome, always nice to see knox helping out other young stars ha, anyways keep up the good work...
((( COOL )))
That was cool, the clay is awsome, always nice to see knox helping out other young stars ha, anyways keep up the good work...
well.. as long as you don't say something like; 'wow knox, that animation is great!' heh
((( OK )))
Everything seemed kinda cool, but the music was kinda off, and could have been abit better...
((( LOL )))
OK well that wasnt tobad, kinda cool actually, it was unique its art style, animation could be alot better though, the shading looked cool aswell, also the audio was way to low to hear anything, but not a half bad flash, keep at it...
Wow that was awsome, even better the the comet magnum stuff, i think i will place this one on my favorites, great art style very artistic, and the story really had meaning, when ya get a chance checkout my vortex series there is 4 episodes and 1 traile you will like it maybe, anyways great flash once again...
((( WICKED )))
Wow really awsome stuff, that was killer and i mean killer, great graphics that led on and on, the downside was the longness of the flash, but it powered on with the great graphics detail and the awsome voiv overs, i commend you on this as it was awsome stuff...
((( COOL )))
Well notbad it was cool, great realistic style of it beeing black and white, cool scratces, the film itself was cool, cool artwork, you seem to always do the best stuff around herem nice work once again...
((( RED )))
Kinda red dont ya think, j/k it was funny, could have used some blood for good measure, anyways funny short...
((( OK )))
Well that was kinda odd, kinda different, and very pink, all a good thing i guess, didnt really make sense, but hellish good art style, so props to you...
Heh... I like the pink comment. Thanks for the props, man, I appreciate it...
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