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((( AWSOME )))

Awsome movie, dl was abit much but still worth the time on this even the preloader was wicked, what stood out the most on this was the effects the little stuff here, very well done nice work, yo should make more its great stuff...


Astropuff responds:

Whoopsy, thanks for pointing out the DL. Didn't realize event sounds created such big files.

I deleted an unnecessary music file, which cut the movie down to half its origonal size.

((( NICE )))

A nice trailer just like one should be, you presented it verywell, with fast runs of the important parts, good fonts and texting, it was just perfect and awsome character designs along with nice backrounds, i was impressed cant wait for the full version...


unownedJR responds:

Oh thanks, that was freakishly constructive lol (no sarcasm)i'm glad you people can't wait, we were talking about making a demo with a few missions and somethings you can try out, so if you liked this then you'll definetly enjoy the game, espeically the sniping

((( OK )))

I read some of that bbs topic of wades, and its really common sense what was going on i mean all thease movies were protected all the time and it seemed strange, but its not my buisness, about this flash though it seems rushed with due cause add some buttons because the text runs by too fast, and use a stop action code oh well just my imput...


TheStarSyndicate responds:


((( OK )))

Well notbad, its cool, i love the fbf style of it all, and most of it had great use of color but pointless somewhat neat, just needs more like plot and more action interesting though...


((( AWSOME )))

Ha i probably reviewd every movie of yours since day one give or take a few, and always love the flow of your animating, and the awsome use of color aswell, im always glad to be a fan, nice work like always...


nbh responds:

waynecolt i love you

((( OK )))

Well its ok, kind of simple, and it just starts playing i was getting a snack while it was loading and come to find it in the middle, which wasnt too nice, so i say add a stopaction code and play buttons to it with propper preloader so i dont miss anything, kind of short, the art was abit simple but still ok flash...


((( COOL )))

Heh this one was alot better, and i like the subtitles, that was a nice touch, and the artwork is very smooth and cool to see, also some nice backrounds, really good work here, nice job...


((( HEH )))

Heh this was ok, nice animation on the mouth synks, and the guy gets abit freaky at times, the animation flowed nice though that was the good part, also like the characters they could be better but thease were notbad, anyways decent flash...


(( OK )))

It was ok, the art was so-so, the backrounds seemed abit bland and simple, needed abit more detail and so-on, the story was ok though, kind of funny..


((( COOL )))

This was a neat idea, i like all the animations but the menue was not presented well, really nice animations though, cool use of color and nice graphics, it was decent work...


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