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Scout camp lol nice You have some interesting scenarios that make each scene that much better with some great humor, my fave part of this particular one is the entertaining narrating, and you make a few of these so that much better, so nice job indeed on this series.


Another fun one

I like the random factor you have in this and the voice work has some really nice qaulity to it aswell as the animation, the narrating of these films and this one in particular are very good some real funny adventures you have here and make it pretty fun and entertaining ofcourse.


Good movie style

You have shown here in the fine detail that black and white can stand on its own I pretty much love these unique styles so awsome job indeed, You have showcased some nice talents and made it just pop and thats just one of the things I have enjoyed hope you continue making some awsome black and white themed pieces but honestly this was a nice, I feel they bring lots of creativity and in somecases show off the small details.


Great Flick

I think it might have even been better with some sound Now this was a fun yet interesting B/W movie entry here and its not everyday you get to see films all in black and white Movies like this all in black and white bring on some nice style about them I do hope you grace us with even more, This was some solid work of a film right here but anyways keep up the imagination and hope you continue making some awsome black and white themed flicks.


Love the style

First off the color and rich detail of the character work is fantastic and the animation very smooth it jumps from scene to scene fast but you made it entertaining So I found this one to be interesting you really put some effort into it and it keeps my interest so that I did not get bored easily which I can tend to do in some of these movie types but with this one you did good, so its a good presentation nice all around And so this is obvious that you know how to use the movie program and push some unique ways of presentation on this, very nice animation here loved those characters


Nice B/W

I love the black and white theme here or sketch the animation is nice and on a moving train at that This one shows that you are making a difference and it shows well in your work so nice job and proves to be a nifty piece this reviewer is impressed asw ell as a new found fan, I did wish this was longer and with more scenes


Robots at its best

Cute robot and love the use of color and texture here you made this one funny and cute Well here is a nice robot movie with some nice robotic scenes and some robot like envirment on this there was a small story in there too making this a fun film here and magnificent robots robotic movie with your own style ofcourse and I really enjoyed the added detail and scenes keep up the dazzling works. you have presented a nice element and a great submission here so hope you make more like this, but besides all that I have enjoyed the film you have presented here so nice job.


Very pleasent film

Love the characters and smooth looking art You have started with something good here And I must say you have a pretty good flick here Some things start out with advanced and excitedly ideas, You have brought your A-Game with this movie and it shows. Looking forward to the rest of this entry you Produce good stuff and clarify the opportunity So at times movie can be like a team vs another team And based on this one you have shown you have a good team to succeed with in the movie world


A fancy robotic movie here

Bad comedy is always fun and made this entertaining its been a pleasure to see what you bring forward in this robotic film what a fancy robotic movie here, you have created some really nice element of robot fun here and this is just an example of the detail that went into this your design and structure really went well here and overall this was a fun movie so keep up the good work, Enjoyed your take on robotic element love some of the nifty robotic elements in this robotic flick, and on that note I will end here but do know this was a really fun film. love the comedy of it all


An adventure of a lifetime

Creepy bird lol Well you cant go wrong with an adventure of pube muppet here you really made this old classic fun again some really entertaining visuals here and some nice ideas too wish people made more stuff like this while these are classics today they are pretty good stuff.


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