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It was to see gordon ramsey on this one the character are well made and love the comical element here, Glad I found this fun lil gem in the portal here So nice job here I am excitedly reviewing this and hope to review more of your work sometime soon, I liked it from the start you really bring some talent to the front of the table good effort here and I found some parts even better then others


The zombie effect

I love the B/W theme here and the strong music gave it that dark feel about it you added your own twist on this particular zombie film its like your own twist of it all, but besides all that you have really created a fun film with some nice action and even humor at times you made a good zombie element of a flick hope to see more.


A zombie theme

Nice use of color on this and the narrating was good wouldnt mind some subtitles to go along with this you have really impressed me with your style of film choice here the zombie themed idea here of the film was intense and I really like the whole idea of zombies here with this particular film, so really nice efforts and such a great idea of a film choice.


Oh no

Not the grimace lol fun video very comical about Grimace This was a refreshing concept And I had lots of fun with it But really other then that this flowed well and was pretty solid for the most part, an entertaining flick here cute and comical very comical about Grimace



Well this was a cute little animation and the character was nice and with some really nice music could go as a music video too Now this was a nifty little flick here glad I found this one You came to produce A film of interest I like your style I did find some enjoyment in this except for a few instances, But you have to keep the momentum going I must say this was pretty good and I found it to be an entertaining one so keep that up and keep up, A nice music video type here



I think you could even ad on some extra scenes and go into a full dance scene of sorts Now here was really something to set your eyes on I do like that you have put the efort to not be the same but change it up abit, Nice animation with the girls here


Zombies sweet

This one was very intense love the smooth animation especially when they are running and jumping you make it all work from scene to scene and onto the end I have enjoyed this little zombie film of yours you really make it look easy but this was an interesting element and story style the visual details are pretty nice aswell, I was impressed with this from the start.


A film full of zombies

This one you gave some good comical loved the laughing at the start full of zombies and all that they bring thats what this is with some interesting scenes and topic matter ofcourse the zombie theme is always a good one but you added your own twist on this particular zombie film here so really nice efforts keep at it.


Very good

I love the madness element here but ran short would have loved to see you run these madness type of characters in a much longer adventure very nice animation here Potential Potential and even more Potential Thats what I get when I start watching this Movie submission you can really grasp it and enjoy it for all it is, its entertaining it keeps you amused and not boring what so ever but I have to say I was pretty taken back with this one especially the start of it, A great madness film here


Mario themed at its best

I love how you made a mario adventure here with this one the sprites and art work itself are good also love the battle music mario its always a blast to watch in his advetures Mario themed at its best and thats no under statment, but regardless of all that you really presented some nice film visuals and mario at his best so awsome job on this fun submission of a movie.


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