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Sonic is cool

sonic is pretty cool, and this was a decent game, i did however think the viewscreen of it all was kinda small, so as an idea or tip here try making the palate or view screen much larger and bigger, and the hedgehog could of used more items of the hair type the blue spiky type of stuff so i guess you could call it hair but he needs more props of that, the backround was notbad, maybe some more added backrounds like on a selector of backrounds, and nice option on the music thats another area where you could add a cycle of music selections, After seeing and messing with this one i thought it was great, its a decent flash there is room for improvment, and you should think about adding some new stuff as mentioned below and even in the above review lines, it will be great for all, anywayskeep up the work i like the effort you put in sofar, and look forward to seeing more. Anyways keep up the decent work here.

So this is were I suggest some ideas and tips to better improve stuff, Your game is actually pretty good doesnt need much but could use a few things. the music thats another area where you could add a cycle of music selections, the hair type the blue spiky type of stuff so i guess you could call it hair but he needs more props of that, So as a tip or two, you could work on your backrounds more, what you have is ok but having the backrounds more enhanced with some sorta design would be one way, or some image in the backround that is somehow related to your game. so these idea and tips could make it a better game give them a try cant hurt at all, just a little more effort thats all.

Wow lots of items with this one.

Now heres a dress-up with lots of "ITEMS" theres just a supper large amount and so much variaty and thats what i look for in a dress-up game so props to you on the variatys of stuff but it does need some "ANIMATED" ones wich is something it really lacked but the variaty was very nice to have, The music was pretty good aswell, so nice job there, The creativity on this was pretty impressive, Love this dress up it has everything large view screen, music lots of items, just needs some good animated stuff, maybe adding that on an upgrade will be an option for next time. And now that i think about it there should be some "BACKROUNDS" but anyways keep up the good work, So with all that said, this was pretty decent, allthough it could use more stuff and such, also suggested below, it was still pretty good just needs a tad more effort but it will pay off just keep working on it, and always do what is fun to you because that will make for a good flash so anyways keep up the awsome work, creativity is your friend.

So i will start off this part with a few ideas and suggestions that could make it much better and overall bringing more viewers too seeing your content. I really like these games, have had alot of fun creating differant stuff, but with this one the backrounds were too plain and could use some better graphics, more design to them, maybe you could even have a few backrounds that change up every once in awhile.

A demon dress-up

Cool this was a decent one, a demon dress-up was kinda neat, I did notice there was no "HAIR" parts you only had clothing and accesories wich is ok, but would have been cool with some hair and random demon items, also alot of your dress up clothing was all too simular you should not just copy and past but make each one differant and random from each and other one, it would make your whole game alot better and more enjoyble. nut defanantly add more random stuff including more dews with this one, Also some backrounds would be really great for this, another thing that this game lacked in. Great flash here, i really like what you did here and the Effort does show, there was a few things that could be made better and some extra effort on your part would, theres a few things that would be great for this flash and it would show with some more effort so below are a few ideas that really could push this flash to the extra efforts, good luck on your other flash pieces i did enjoy this one.

I found this to be a decent flash, but still thought it could be better, I hope with abit more effort and some more ideas as suggested it can be much improved, You are going to want to do a alot more if you want this to stand up above the crowd, there are a number of things that could make it differant one would be not to use the same old patterns in items but more random and unique stuff, But the general idea is to make it your own and not like everyother one out there. Work more on the backrounds, the plain or just white one is ok but would be much better if you had some sorta colored version or maybe have the user chose there own kind, like with the click of a button of some kind. This is pretty good but needs more items, make some odd and unique items aswell, and some animated ones wouldnt hurt. just a few ideas that could improve on this decent game of yours. So all in all hope this helps and i think they would greatly making the flash more fun and high in quality.

Fun game

This was a decent dress-up here it was also at the sametime "SIMPLE" i liked alot what you did here and you added lots of differant stuff even some animated things wich was good effort on your side, also loved the "MUSIC" box so nice effort there, The one thing this lacks and alot of other dress ups lack is not putting in a selection of backrounds, so thats something you could upgrade it with, even throwing in some sorta colored backround would be a nice little option, and maybe even a fe wmore animated options aswell,but anyways nice job and effort, You have an idea here and something decent here, i had fun with this one but it could use some more effort as suggested below and above and hope those ideas help to make it even better for all, but even as it is it was pretty decent if you ask me, keep up the decent efforts though.

everything can allways be improved and or made better, may it be the little things so hope these small yet helpfull ideas help. Now games like this are always fun to play, besides the items, it could use a better backround idea, maybe some sort of scene selector so that there is more to work off besides just a plain one as the one you have now.

Its a nifty game

Like i said its a nifty game and you picked a good "THEME" with the Habbo. never played that game but have seen it before so that was pretty cool, but one thing i have noticed is that on all the 3 differant characters alot of the clothing and props were all too much of the same, just duplicated colors adn such, thats ok but you want to try and make it more your own style with more random and unique styles, andanother thing is this needs some backrounds and even more "ITEMS" and since we are on the topic a larger creation screen would be great, as it would allow for a much bigger view and more creation, aswell room for much more items, This was a good game, lots of stuff here and some great music the music was pretty nifty, I really enjoyed this flash and all that you have presented here, there was alot to see and it was overall fun so great job all around below i have left a few ideas that may help to improve on this flash, so keep up the good work and i look forward to more.

first of all good Flash, could use a few fixes and changes for better improvment ofcourse, i have suggested a few ideas to help and hope you have the time to put some of them in as it will only improve on your good idea already. One thing i noticed, alot of the clothing and props were all too much of the same, just duplicated colors adn such, thats ok but you want to try and make it more your own style with more random and unique styles, and as mentioned above, a larger creation screen would be great, as it would allow for a much bigger view and more creation, aswell room for much more items,

Aprime responds:

Cheers for the review. I read it all. It was really helpful.
Thanks for taking your time out to review this game in such depth

Needs more items

There was just too few items infact there was not alot of stuff on this game, i have seen and played alot of dress-up games even made a few, you should really think about redoing this and adding much more items. could use a change of backrounds aswell, the one you had was ok but could use much more, also i didnt hear any musicor sounds thats another option you should think about, the drawing of the girl was not bad kinda cute but could also be better, But anyways you have some good work here allthough some more effort for better improvment could be done for an overall better out come, Its not perfect but is ok for what you did supply in content, so on that part of stuff it was notbad at all. But overall it does need more stuff going around.

Here are a few tips and ideas on making this somewhat better, it never hurts to improve on stuff, even in the smallest stuff. The items were very few so adding much more with lots to chose from allow the user to be very creative, so add more items, props and even adding some odd ball stuff, would be great. Music and sound/fx is good, this flash could use some atleast some nifty sound/fx, but some music choices would also be a nice touch, and show good effort towards all this, Needs some sorta backround changer, so you can see differant backrounds, Maybe even something that rotates every few minutes based on the dress-up topic ofcourse.

Hmm notbad of a game

This was a decent game, i like dress-up games and this was pretty neat i really like how you have two differant dress ups in this one of the face and the other one of the character all a good choices and you had alot of items on the first but not the second, you should think about adding some backrounds or something that the backrounds can change and all, but mostly something other then the "WHITE" bland one, try something new there, Great flash here, i really like what you did here and the Effort does show, there was a few things that could be made better and some extra effort on your part would, theres a few things that would be great for this flash and it would show with some more effort so below are a few ideas that really could push this flash to the extra efforts, good luck.

First off decent flash you have here, Ok I will start off with saying this is actually pretty decent the flash has good potential, it does need some more work there, below are a few ideas that could make it better but does need your effort on this, So use some of the ideas it will greatly make this better and allow you to have more viewers to your flash aswell. So as a tip or two, you could work on your backrounds more, what you have is ok but having the backrounds more enhanced with some sorta design would be one way, or some image in the backround that is somehow related to your game. But anyways hope to see improvments soon.

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