Very good and in depth of a game
Its always hard to start off a submission like this one, but I guess ill start off with saying this was actually a nifty piece, I like the "INTRO" at the start and you really went all out with this one and adding some "MEDALS" the gameplay was really fun I love the quick effects of what to do next, The "GRAPHICS" are very intense from line work to shades of detail so welldone there, The movie scenes with action scenes very awsome indeed, so nice work on this one, it was something differant and you added some nice elements that made me really enjoy this piece, I would love to see you expand on this even further, some minor details could be adjusted as I will explan shortly, but its a good start of a nifty submission.
Not sure how you can improve on such a fantastic game with so much to do and explore it was brilliant as is, make more sometime.