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An interesting idea

so this was really "TRICKY" with all the circles and numbers its a groovy game though, I think adding more smoother graphics and flashy effects would be nice, Now what I got from this submission was alot of things but what comes to mind is that it is Groovy even a word I like to use Swanky basicly means it was fresh and I was delighted to come across it, It is Loaded with lots of fun and exciting elements, a very good game with some good positives about it.

I think adding more smoother graphics and flashy effects would be nice


Wow nice

I really like thise series of games and the "PUZZLES" one must pas the "PIXELATED" characters and backround was really a nice touch indeed, A decent game of sorts here there was some interesting stuff with this one and I had some fun with it, now ofcourse there was some things that could even be better and I will elaborate more in detail through-out the review, But for now ill just say, you have left a good Impression here with me, So anyways keep up the good work I do look for more of your style soon.

Onlything I would suggest ad some nifty and flashy pixel moments maybe on some impact moments, and ofcourse make more games like these.


Muja responds:

Thank you for your very nice review, glad you're enjoying my games!

Really fun game you have

First off the "CARTTOONY" art is pretty amazing, the "DUEL" mode is pretty impressive too, love all the vibrant colors and attacks, I was not too fond of it jumping into full screen automaticly but im sure that can be adjusted, So I found this entery to be alot of things but mostly it was interesting, it kept me wanting to see what else you had in store, but I can see with this kind of stuff you have me hooked and even wanting more, So its a very Acceptable entry and I lookforward to more work from that mind of yours.

I was not too fond of it jumping into full screen automaticly but im sure that can be adjusted



So I played the first one and enjoyed that one, So with this one seems different but still the same idea I do like it though the cursur should be changed to a coin as a related cross-hair, You for sure made it a lot harder this time with small "COINS" and slower rates to collect but thats ok and makes it more challanging, And Like I mentioned in the other game you could have some negitive options and have bubbles floating and if you cross into it it would decrease cash or something like that, This is one of those games thats not completed in a few minutes it takes time and I have enjoyed all the updates and upgrades on this and the course of a couple of days I got to really play it to a deep level so for that its a plus for me, You are very capable of making some good things as you have done so here, I ran into some interesting things and unnecessarily found some things that you could possibly work on but ill get to that soon enough, You have a groovy entry here, and ultimately can be some top notch stuff.

The cursur should be changed to a coin as a related cross-hair, Like I mentioned in the other game you could have some negitive options and have bubbles floating and if you cross into it it would decrease cash or something like that.


Wow nice game

So my Initial response to this is its a decent start its interesting, This was kind of cool, I like the idea of it all and I see no major negitives in the game itself its a good little time waster I do think you should ad a negitive like have bubbles that float around and if you hit a bubble it could decrease your money just an idea that could make it more fun, and I like what you got here, I didnt find any Lackluster parts but as I do review this if I find some new things to put up ill mention it as this is only the start of this flash entry aswell as review, So just wanted to throw that out there.

I do think you should ad a negitive like have bubbles that float around and if you hit a bubble it could decrease your money just an idea that could make it more fun


This was decent

So this was a decent game you have here, the "WEAPONS" are pretty plentyfull and the power ups are awsome, the "MUSIC" was pretty decent and I found this game to run smooth and swell, I think some added flashy effects even more then you have now would be really cool, anyways good game.

I think some added flashy effects even more then you have now would be really cool



So this was an interesting idea here I think theres alot more you can do with this though like adding a much more vibrant asortment of colors maybe adding some secodary colors Sprinkling around, not sure this is much of a game but it is kind of a nifty "VISUAL" anyways nice game.

adding a much more vibrant asortment of colors maybe adding some secodary colors Sprinkling around,


Fresh design

You have a fresh design here I really enjoyed shooting "FIRE-BALLS" it got so intense that I ended clicking myself out of the game lol, so not sure if theres a full screen or anything but would be nice to have an option, overall fun stuff here, Well, what you see is what you get, just a nice piece designed with some good effort to bring out some quality, and you have done just that. You have already impressed me with this one and hope it continues your success here on the grounds. This was Loaded with lots of goodies and whatnot, made it for a fun and entertaining game.

Possibly a full screen option. and you should ad some medals to this aswell.



Well this was notbad at all a good "IDEA" if I do say so myself this was pretty interesting a nice style of game you have here, a "CARD" game is original and not common around the frounds but I do have to say the interactivity is nice but could use more options maybe even some flashy effects on moments, anyways good stuff.

more options maybe even some flashy effects on moments


That was interesting

Wow I have to say that this game was interesting, it was hard to understand at first but I soon figured it out you made it hard but maybe that was the intent, the art and graphics are very fresh and nice to see so nice job there, overall a fun game but needs better improved instructions it had two different elements like the death text or the popping baloons lol

Was abit confusing at first.


XpresateStudio responds:

I'm very excited that you liked it, you're right in the improvements you mention me, soon I will be making them please stay tuned, greetings and hugs XwaynecoltX

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