
11,872 Game Reviews

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Now this was fun

Wow I have to say that this was a fun game here you really made something nice here the "GRAPHICS" are pretty good, And I like the stylish elemenst of this game, you could really sparkle this up with some medals and achievments for the game, anyways nice work.

Some added medals would be nice.


A classic

You put a real twist on this one very nice version here, A nice game idea you have here on this one its a classic game but the whole idea of pac-man is nifty and seems to work well on this "SUBMISSION", seems like there could be even more added to change it up from just the "CLASSIC-PAC-MAN", but anyways nice game here.

I would suggest some added fancy effects like when its just eyeballs and such.


I enjoy these

I really enjoy these pieces of "FILM / GAMES" as they are a click based element but the tutorial themeslf have always come in handy when "TRYING-TO-LEARN" some new script or code but thats what these tuts really did help with and im sure some of them still help in this modern time of less flash programs.

at the start there seems to be an issue with it going into a black screen you may want to fix that.


Pac-Man A classic

Nice game but it does get glicchy and freeses up even get stuck at times, you have really impressed me with this style here I really have enjoyed what you have presented here and I really like the style, a pac-man classic indeed, and I have enjoyed even the twists and turns you pushed in this even if it was just subtle, anyways nice game here.

Nice game but it does get glicchy and freeses up even get stuck at times


A great Tutorial

This was a nice "SPRITE" tutorial on white spots A unique Tutorial you have presented here some items of visual could have a better interface of it all, These tutorials are pretty "NIFTY" and bring a sense of teaching wihch is pretty good I have learned off of these myself "BACK-IN-THE-DAY", but anyways you have presented some "NICE-ELEMENTS" here.

Maybe an improved interface and more color to the outlook of it all.



So this was a fun little game you have here, The "MUSIC" was pretty intense and really fit in well with all that was going on in the game, the graphics are nice and there was some nice elements about this game, seems like you could make more of these games and even ad some medals, anyways nice game.

seems like you could make more of these games and even ad some medals


Nice game

So this was notbad this had some simple little missions and not much interactivity but was fun, I would suggest adding more interactivity to the game and more missions aswell, anyways keep up the good work here I look forward to even more so untill next time, nice game.

More missions more interactivity


Fun little game

So this was a fun little game you have here the idea of the "CATAPULT" is nice and you have presented it well here and I was pretty impressed with the range on the catapult so really nice seems like you could ad more target choices in different scenes and such.

Some new target choices would be nice



Another fun game here so this one was rather fun with some cool ideas simple and complex but still had fun with it. This is one of those games that could use some added medals on the game itself and would bring in some excitement to it

Could use some medals


Good game

So this was a good game here here didn't take too long to complete but I will say it was rather fun some added fancy effects would be nice to have in this one as it was a nice game here but other then that this was cool

Some added fancy effects on impact moments


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