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So here was another fun game here I really liked it and it was interesting I see lots of potential in this game and could see you making more tracks some improved sounds and music, and overall more cars with more graphics details, but regardless this was pretty good of a game and I had fun with it.

lots of potential in this game and could see you making more tracks some improved sounds and music, and overall more cars with more graphics details


A decent game here

Ok so this was a decent game here, things seemed too "CLUTTERD" though and could use abit more spreading out and i like all the buttons and stuff but things seems still cluttered like there was just too much stuff to see, you may also want to make the "BUTTONS" look better aswell more smoother and more flashy looking, You a hve a decent flash here, but there there is still some room for improvments even a few little things here and there, but in the end it can only help you and make your flash much better and again in the end more enjoyble for all who see it such as myself. i did enjoy what you have here now just would like to see more effort all around, so good luck with all that.

So i will start off this part with a few ideas and suggestions that could make it much better and overall bringing more viewers too seeing your content. I think i would like to start off with some improvment on everything being too cluttered you should spread that out abit theres just too much going on as in buttons and such, Make a sleeker looking button something flashy and fancy, maybe something that has some animation as you hover over it aswell. something that looks nice and has appeal, the better your flash looks the more the fans will enjoy it. but anywayshope thathelps, good luck.


Syrsly responds:

Hey, thanks for the review! This game is so old now, I don't think I need the feedback at this point... but thanks for the effort, anyway.

I'd post more games, but most of my Flash game dev stopped after Mochimedia shut down in 2014 and everything was mostly published through that platform rather than Newgrounds and was sent all over the web automatically. I posted said games under different accounts as I got older and kept trying to find a name that worked. Then, in 2023, I renamed my original NG account from fantasyjam to Syrsly so people can find my oldest work easily.

I'm now a professional web developer and my game dev projects in Unity almost always never get finished LOL

I'm considering publishing some new stuff someday soon on this account, so I guess time will tell if I do that. If nothing else, I'll publish something cool on Itch eventually. Just taking forever to get anything done. If you want to keep up with my work, though, you can totally follow me on Twitch.tv/syrsly or follow on Twitter at twitter.com/syrslywastaken

Have a great rest of your 2023, dude!

A great board

So everything seemed bunched up you may want to think about making pages so that you can make larger buttons maybe even a larger view screen would be nice, always bring some new and "EXCITING-SOUND" board to the table and the quality is always better then the last, this specific one was pretty nifty and kind of unique in its own way, still some "NICE-STYLE-YOU-HAVE-HERE", and I for sure want to see more of this type of game.

everything seemed bunched up you may want to think about making pages so that you can make larger buttons maybe even a larger view screen would be nice



So this was a rather cute game seems like you could ad some color into this maybe some added objects could have some color maybe when you capture an item it would be cool to see more color, but the gameplay was pretty decent I found this game to be pretty fun and the only change I would ad onto this might be some added color, nice game though.

Some added color


Really fun

So this was really fun As soon as I got into it it was pretty intense the graphics were decent and the effects were nice I did think some added effects on this would have been nice but overall this was a really fun game you have here it was a nice element of fun here I think you should ad onto this or make another verion its a great game.

I think you should ad onto this or make another verio



so this one here was for sure a fun game and there was not anything negitive here it was a positive and fun game, and congrats on winning an award for your game, the graphics look smooth and sleek, the gameplay was awsome, and you had some nice effects, I might think about adding some medals to spice up the excitment, its a nice game though.

With medals always comming out on alot of games now this would be a good choice for some medals, you can throw in a few for some nice liitle achievments here and there, giving some fun play and even more replay


Fun gaain

Wow thease must be easy for you to make, they are fun as hell, but get laggy, nice job on the music options, and great attack options, funny enemies, its a funn game, i could play this over and over, nice job once again...


a fun game here

so this was a fun game you have here good graphics great job, it looks very real so you got me there, hope you can make more stuff like this kind of games, so keep up the good work because this was pretty good I liked it.



So this was similar to the snake game hmm but what was the point of it, should probably make a better scoreing system, the graphics where so-so, but still a decent game. I think some small improvments would make this game even better.


cool game

cool game, great gameplay. the art was pretty nifty too the game really does have some nice gameplay and I really liked it so nice job and hope you make more like this it was an interesting game


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