
11,872 Game Reviews

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I like this

I do like this as its not a game per say but also has a story added along with it and you really added the depth there so nice game indeed, its games like these that I have really come to enjoy.




Well that was different you can really play around with it and mix it up too the music was nice and I think adding in more color and flashy effects would be another plus for this game but the concept was pretty good.

I think adding in more color and flashy effects would be another plus for this game


A fun game

Killing turkeys is fun but I do say you could advance this game with different scenes and backround levels, you have made it interesting its a fun game and these types of games bring on some interesting ideas and make them jump out at you thats what I have really come to enjoy these first person shooters, but besides all that this was a good game indeed.

I do say you could advance this game with different scenes and backround levels


Nice game

So with this game it was actually fun and makes you think the art style was simple but that may be the intense I will say that some added effects and color texture would be nice, anyways a fun game here.

I will say that some added effects and color texture would be nice


Nice side scroller

I like some side scroller games the art and graphics on this one was pretty good you have some good ideas here, the play button could be bigger, and adding in more effects would also be nice, anyways good game.

the play button could be bigger, and adding in more effects would also be nice


A fun First person shooter

I like the character to shoot but you could add in different ones, some fun ideas and is a nice concept overall and thats what I have enjoyed about it, A cool First person shooter game with some nice focal points, but regardless just want to say I have had some fun in this game and enjoyed reviewing your work here today.

I like the character to shoot but you could add in different ones



I found this game to be more entertaining then anything else the art was nice and it was a fun character I think you could have more options and allow the player to use them different ways, anyways nice game.

I think you could have more options and allow the player to use them different ways



Well the game itself was actually notbad I like the gameplay but the art and graphics could be more refines like walls and directional visuals, but overall it was actually pretty fun of a game here.

the art and graphics could be more refines like walls and directional visuals


A unique First person shooter

A nice shooter here I like how its not easy I do think you can ad more distracting element in the backround, some fun ideas and is a nice concept overall and thats what I have enjoyed about it, A unique First person shooter if you do ask me you made it fun for us all to enjoy decent game play was not hard either anyways keep up the good game making in the future.

I do think you can ad more distracting element in the backround


A cool First person shooter

I like the double guns here the art was notbad I do think more effects when shooting would be nice and more detail and smoothing out lines of character would also be nice, Well this was A cool First person shooter game with some nice focal points and just some good ol kind of fun about it, while its not the most perfect game it does give off some fun ideas and is a nice concept overall and thats what I have enjoyed about it.

I do think more effects when shooting would be nice and more detail and smoothing out lines of character would also be nice


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