This was fun
These tower game types are always fun and this was not hard to understand with placing cannons and whatnot even the art and graphics came off very well, The waves are not too quick and strategy plays a big role in this game but thats also what makes it fun, the animations of the attacks including the def and offence are smooth and play off well, The in game weaponory options was very good too.
The narrative sayings are always a fun addition too as are the upgrades, the Medals are not easy to get but not hard either I like the effort and the detail the idea that you push across the board here, so all that was a divine and positive way and i liked that, You have processed a good piece of game here with some fun upgrades and overall fun entertainment as a game as awhole and hope to see what else you are capable of, allthough whatever you make in the future im sure will be solid.