
11,872 Game Reviews

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Windows style

The windows style of game as you have created here are fun nothing too fancy but still some entertaining fun of windows classics so really nice efforts here I like your idea here and a good concept for us all to enjoy so please do keep up the good work on games.


Pixel game element

I like the color theme here I do think more levels would be nice, the pixel style of it all seem to work well Pixel game element is top notch with this game entry you really show your talents in the pixel elements and how fun the game can be, the game is fun but I enjoyed the pixel even more really nice work here.


A pixel game

Simple and fun here A nice pixel game here some nice details within the game itself but the pixel really pops out and takes notice, pixel is this beautiful elegant art style and glad you have pushed it here in this fun game it even has some good depth about it keep up the good work.


A unique game

Kind of like a platformer type the graphics was nice the gameplay even better these platformer types always interest me but you added a nice unique twist, infact I found this to be a magnificent game with a unique platformer element so nice job indeed, and hope you make more platformer types like this in the future anyways great entry.


Simple and fun game

I found this game to be pretty simple and fun love the art style of it, Well my Opening Remarks on this one is that its pretty good sofar and as I get more into this entry it does get better and better, with each new element, so im starting this review off with a good note because you have presented something nifty and interesting, So as I continue on with the review I must say I was glad to have found this and hope it just gets better from here on out.


A vision of a game

Nice game and platformer gets harder as you build up levels, I love these platformer types while not always easy but still fun and entertaining, But anyways a good platformer with all sorts of happenings and really came forward with a good push in details I like your direction in this platformer games.


Cant go wrong here

I like your idea here and a good concept for us all to enjoy and you cant really go wrong on these windo types as they bring on some nifty functions and options really entertaining if you ask me, regardless this was a fun game indeed, I like your efforts and do hope you make even more for us to enjoy.


Doesnt get anymore classic

This was for sure a classic version love the whole simplicity of this old classic game, and Doesnt get anymore classic then right here you really made a fun game I had fun with the options avail, but besides that you created a unique game for us all to enjoy really entertaining too.


An interesting classic windows

This one was nice like the sims game on there lol an old style game that still kicks around now and then still An interesting classic windows style of game and you spiced this one up a tad with some extras and thats what I have enjoyed about this particular one so nice job indeed, would love to see more of these.


Pixel of all pixels

The whole pixel racing was a nice and creative idea here, I enjoyed the pixel even more as the game plays out I call this Pixel of all pixels with some enjoyment of the game always building up so awsome job all across the board on this fun game filled with some amazing pixel style, anyways keep making more.


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