
11,872 Game Reviews

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One of the best

Now as a dress-UP fan and designer, this is one of the best around, the almost 3d artistic view was great, music would be cool, its very detailed just loved it, great work There was various things I liked about this, And there was some things that could have been Achieved even better, And here is another finely crafted peiece and you can tell that you have crafted a piece from some good imagination, keep up the good efforts.


Decent game

Ok a decent game, had fun with it, it seemed abit glichie at times, but was ok and fun to play, great job Some nifty imagination here and that is where the best ideas come from but anyways it was a decent game and I did have some fun with it hope to see more.


Love it

It was a cool idea, but it does need some work like maybe playing a computer play, or times and such, You have made this one enjoyable to the max and I find my self enjoying this one over and over again, and honestly it really is fun and entertaining I like what you have presented here nice detail in the board and parts, it was decent.


Needs sound

Could be better with some sound-FX or some decent music, its simple and yet still fun even if i have seen like a ton of thease, nice job I thought this was spectacular and even divine at times You added alot of Amenities to this which made this fun, as mentioned some added sound would be a plus.



Hmmmm well it was a ok game, could use more though, maybe a time thingie, and i would like to see some backrounds, notbad though I find this a very good gameI won't be too harsh though as I love these kinds of games and overall you did do a decent job on this one, keep it up.



OK i like it cause the aimer felt and moved very realistic like, would like a option to change backrounds, but it was overall a fun and entertaining shooter, so i say great job I will review more in detail in just a tad but sofar its decent In some ways or another this is underrated but has a swanky style to it but I like what you have made here.



OK notbad i had fun with it, might wanna add some music or somthing, i also may have found a glich or maybe its me, it would say game over even if i didnt run into anything, like about halfway thru, ohwell it was still a fun game



Ok notbad again, once again great flash skills, i like the matrix scene, hehehe, and the story is very interesting, nice work. ad more to the interactivity vibe of the game So reviewing is not always easy but I would like to say that you have done well here, you have presented a decent entry here.


Gta games are cool

Hehehe so much like gta, hehehhe nice and smooth animation, great scrolling, and great sounds from gta, could use more stuff though, nice work though overall I was pleased with everything here and wouldnt mind seeing a bit more buzz and pazazz onto it but its pretty good sofar.


This was cool

Wow that was nice, the controlls are abit iffy, but it is intence, awsome weapons, great responce, and just plain awsome game, the detail in the charactyers and weapons was superb, i like the movment of the game aswell, awsome work.


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