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you kind of had this one at a more simplistick style but then again it also had its complex ways about it aswell This was built nice and nifty Ha that was neat, it seems alot better since the last version, kinda unique with it beeing a christmas tree and all, what will be next heh.



Bulbs the cat very nice indeed, A nice dress-up game here with some good design elements and allows the viewer and player to really enjoy it even at a glance this was some nice work good vibes and some nice flavor on this one i really liked the element on this one you have a good intense visual and it really pops off well so besides all that you make it look easy i love the style here anyways keep making more games like this.


Amazing game

Nice postal dude lol What an amazing visual on this dress-up Game you really know how to open up the creative side of things and make it look very good and very easy so awsome job indeed its designs and games like these that just pop off so well and you have showcased your talents well but regardless this was some nice work so keep making awsome games like you have done here today


A fun tic tac toe game

Found this one to be pretty addictive These are those fun games we always played as a kid and you made it somewhat fun, So here was a game that you cant go wrong with yes its a classic but still fun in my opinion you have establised it in a fun way and I was impressed with it for the mostpart so nice job overall a very fun game indeed make more somewhere down the road, and as I near the end of this review it really has been a pleasure to review this old classic game and hope you make even more great classics such as this or new unique ones.


Nice idea

awsomly crafted thats what I would call this one As this was showing the detail of this submission with some good skills and you really brought that forward and I hope you continue bringing that forward Hey nice idea, that was kinda cool, could use some more options like fill, and just other art tools, kinda neat though, i drew a stick man heheh.



so keep doing what you do best This was a spectacular and even remarkable piece so nice job all around. Heh i have seen this fla a ton of times this month, and while its a fla its still a fun game i like the different ships and characters on this one though, keep on flashing.



I am pretty proud to review this one and I hope you keep up the good work A masterpiece of design is something we all thrive for and you have accomplished that here Hmmm i didnt notice what changes were made, ohwell it was funny anyways, you should make it so that you can go other places with other things to do.



One of the better versions right here Tic tac toe that classic game, props to you for something classic and still unique of a game This was a classic game but still pretty fun and entertaining A game from the past with some old classic moments you bring fourth some nice memmories so you cant really go wrong with this anyways keep making fun games, These are those fun games we always played as a kid and now as an adult one can still have some fun on this classic element of Tic-Tac-Toe, But anyways it was a pleasure and this was fun.


Nifty game

keep up the success you have been doing and do what you do best I felt this was a tad underrated but had a good Pulse so nice job Hey that was kinda neat, it has style, it would be great to do more things though, but it is a unique type of game, nice job.


Interesting game

I like this game and you captured it beautifully It's just brilliant The visuals were smooth Hey very interesting and different from what normaly comes thru the portal, kinda confusing to figure out at first, but rather fun i would say, It was an interesting game.


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