
11,872 Game Reviews

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266 reviews are hidden due to your filters.

Decent game

Ok well notbad at all, my advice would be to lose the s and d options and leave it as the drop and drag way, just gets in the way, ohwell, it was a rather nice dress-up with more options to choose from in most dress-ups, so i liked it notbad


Could use more

Another fine game here with some nice visuals and some added extras making it a very nice game there is some nice buzz about this game and it really takes off right from the start. Some good positives about this game Well it ran abit slow, and could be speeded up on the aimer, but it was ok, i like the backround though, maybe changeing backrounds would make for a good option


Smash the moon

I have made these kinds of games before and while not hard not easy either i found this particular game fun and you gave it that creative nature and it really brings out some nice little details within the game and its world ice game, and its a different one aswell, i found it to be abit glichie if i get trigger happy at times, but still nice idea, hope to see more or even some updates.


Good dragon game

So here you had a very good dragon game love all the poer ups and some nice overall fun gameplay no lag either some good stylization to it and thats a plus in my books and with that all said i have enjoyed this game you bring on some cool points and there is some nice gameplay on this game a fun game indeed and love the added extras too, make more of these dragon types.


Awsome game

I love the story elements here it does run long but you make each scene intense I feel like you need much more medals then just the one, I like this game and you captured it beautifully It's just brilliant The visuals were smooth, the idea is good and it just was a big sense of fun and Great work. work all around, now there may be some adjustments as my review continues on but sofar its good This here is a very acceptable flash and I enjoyed it, Once again these story ones are nice.


A very fun one

Love the art style on this and the point and click responds well some nice medals but could use a few extra ones, you made the game with an adventure style and the point and click also make it even more fun, So I found it to be very fun sometimes harder then exprected but other parts notbad at all, so overall a fun point and click created game with some fun elements.


Fun and entertaining kill game

Surgery from hell ohmy These kill games are always fun and entertaining in there own ways you have some nice kill options in this particular game, you have some good ideas and I have to say the game itself is pretty fun, the response of the game and options work well, so nice game indeed.


A fun kill game

Twinkies lol Fun and entertaining of a game here, another kill game and its pretty entertaining back in the day these games did come out a lot they are still pretty fun with some thrilling moments do make more of this style someday, untill then keep it real.


Cant go wrong here

its games like this that kept me enjoying the grounds and you cant go wrong with a simple yet complex game here it was pretty entertaining with the options you did have here so nice job indeed, anyways do make more of this style someday anyways nice game.


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