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Needs more

This was someting differant for sure, and you gave it some appeal and I was pretty entertained with what you do have here but for the most part of it its pretty amusing and entertaining Well notbad, kinda neat, needs work though, touch it up, give some better graphics, and im sure it will be much improved.



So this was worthwhile and my final words on this was terrific game but still found it pretty entertaining and fun so nice work on this game entry Well it was entertaining, not as addictive as some others but it was fun, could use some work on the sound quality though, the graphics are ok but could be better, it was cool though.


Cool game

These Point and click games can get addictive as i have been playing them for years with some fun games out there you bring on some nice fun activities in this game some nice visuals and some nice search points would love to see more bigger games with the Point and click style as your game here was pretty solid in its own way and thats just a little that i have liked about this game and hope you make even more like this one these games are as always fun and you made it even more fun



This was alot of things but I found it to be crisp and you Balanced it with some Swanky effects and elements so nice job here Hey that was fun, abit laggy, and you should give more can choices to shhot fun game though i had fun with it, nice interface aswell really looked cool


Fun game

Now sometimes you lose a little here and there in the process of these kinds of games and such but you have shown how these can be fun with some interesting results and I do hope you keep that going throughout this game, This was kind of professional in an artistic way or maybe im just odd lol Some extra amenities of detail would be great on this though Hey this was a fun game, i was very pleased with it, infact i played it a second time, kinda addicting but very entertaing, nice work on the fun game


Magnificent point and click

Good gameplay and some interesting visual effects, I call this one magnificent for the fun factor of it all, amazing and interesting with all that can be done on here, these types of point and click games always seem to have these great factors as does your entry here.



A really nice game I had lots of fun with this one I found it to be very fun sometimes harder then exprected, but my time playing this game it was fun yet hard at times but still found the adventure within the point and click style so anyways nice game created.



its good stuff So this one is loaded with all sorts of and terrific stuff and a very acceptable game of works here so nice job Ya that was kinda strange, but i was amused and entertained with it, made me laugh still abit strange though could be improved and advanced om



but anyways its a good start I thought and I hope to see more from you You could put some morepPositive elements on this and more of a productive sense to it all OK abit different, but interesting, could use a better set of designed controls though, it was cool though


A fun classic

I love these types and wish people would make more of these types you have really added some nice elements that make this a great game These point and clicks dont come out that often but I do have to say this was a pleasure, hope you make many more great and amazing point and click games such as this one here.


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