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I was truly surprised at how hard this game turned out to be The weirdest thing was how it had such a simplistic look to it That's in no way intended to be an insult, But even with all that it turned out to be a pretty fun and entertaining game so i did enjoy it for what it was I had a groovy experience with this entry OK well it was ok could be better, needs some backrounds, and maybe some more options more then those three i saw, but overall it was ok



Glad I had the chance to feast my eyes on this game because you have done a few things that I have not seen before and its always nice to see some different aspects and such, keep that style up I look forward to more from you this was great and ultimately I had a fun experience with this entry today OK well notbad at all, nice artwork and good gameplay, controls could be better but its all good.


Nice demo

I love me some unique games like this and you have a nice style with this particular one it has its own twists and a unique style and some nice added flavour and you really know how to make a fun game out of it all so that was a plus Ok well i liked it, and the music was a nice touch, great artwork on the chars, hope to see more soon


Nice work

What a fun game you have created here for us to enjoy you bring on some fresh ideas and designs and even showcase it well with this style of game and is refreshing to see people add depth and detail such as you have done here Ok well even though it is sticks it a very welldone one, nice gameplay and controls are ok but could be better, movment was perfect great work, hope to see more soon



Its games like this that i have come to really enjoy because it brings on a nice creative side and you really know how to make a good game look even better even has a nice gameplay feel about it and that is what i like here



Love the passion you bring with lots of creativity on these game styles you have gone beyond the normal and bring in some nice random element making it a pretty fun game even adding a unique style of gameplay here so thats all a plus Was almost random, needs some backrounds and maybe some music, i do like the cut scenes, notbad


Decent game

I love a lot of things about this game but most of all some nice creativity along with your own passion and ideas bring it all together some decent visuals on this too making it even more fun i do wish more game makers put more elements like you have Nice game, could use some more though, i like the sound-FX, was a decent game



Now this is a good game i could really dig into this one all dat you bring all the little stuff out into the dress up game world and it shows off well i love the visual effects you bring into this and just make it a fun game experience Ha that was funny, i would say to lower the sound when talking cause it was abit loud, nice idea though, make more soon


Good strategy game

This was a good lil strategy game you have here You have a unique passion about this game style and that passion really transcends into a deeper visual and fun play here even the gameplay plays off the content well and for me thats a big plus love the passion in this, some early levels seem harder then later ones but overall still a fun game.


Very fun

I love the top view of this game love how easy the controls are its like a top view platformer with some strategy very fun game This was someting differant for sure, and you gave it some appeal and I was pretty entertained with what you do have here but for the most part of it its pretty amusing and entertaining, So this was worthwhile and my final words on this was terrific game but still found it pretty entertaining and fun so nice work on this game entry


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