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Fantastic snake

A good one allthough the the 2-player mode could use some added depth and more options all around Now I love all the classics especially some good classic snake games you bring on a fun element nice sound work and good visual this was a cool version of a snake game even as a classic as it is you still bring in some nice ideas and would even love to see you advance on this game even more you really made this snake classic a fun game once again but it was a fun experience with this game entry


Zanzlanz responds:

Back in 2011, Facebook had all sorts of random games, and their Snake left me dissatisfied. I knew I could improve on it so much more!

So my goal became to make something more entertaining than Facebook's game in all facets. I'm happy that even today, you've noticed this effort.

Always fun to see your reviews - thanks!


Heheh ok the idea was great, i like it cause its also in simple black and white, great story, maybe abit more detail, its great though, the graphics could be cleaned up a tad but nice effort regardless



Well this was kind of cool Heheh great job it was very fun, and entertaining, i would say add some music or sound-FX, but great job them added sound F/X would be a big plus on this one anyways nice work.



This was some funny stuff here Hehehe great stuff always nice to see new ideas on newgrounds among the repeted same ol stuff that comes in and outa here, anyways great job anyways good stuff here



Well that was kinda pointless, abit funny though, heheh funny little cat it was an overall fun game kind of entertaining seems like this could use more content and such, but overall notbad



Its a pretty simple game and i think there should be more but its still pretty decent. Getting experience is good, and i like how you get health ups too, i think that the enemies needed to do more then just poke at you because you could run away from them easily, but its still nice to play


Cool snake game

A very fast snake game right here An amazing snake game that you have made here and I'm sure most of us enjoy it I know I have enjoyed this one for what it brings and snake games are no joke I also love the added detail creating some nice style about it and the gameplay of course is very good and some nice depth too but all in all I had some addictive fun on this snake game you have graced us with anyways nice game


Nice game

Snakes and snakes and even more snakes lol no but really this was a cool version of a snake game even as a classic as it is you still bring in some nice ideas here and everyone loves a good ol snake game and while you have kept it real this was a very nice version of the classic snake game and I was pretty impressed with your version here but besides that I also had fun playing the game and reviewing it


Fun snake

Nice version here previous play after loss was a nice option Now here we are another fun snake game and I found this particular snake game pretty fun not much of a change on the old classic gameplay wise but overall was still pretty fun the idea of the game is always nice and it's what we can change to make it better in my opinion you really made this snake classic a fun game once again but anyways I enjoyed this game for what it is so nice entry



Controls could use some added smoothness maybe a re design on the controls Well here we are with a snake game I have to admit that you don't see much of these anymore come through the portal but I did find this one to be interesting and you even added your own twist of things here some nice addition of details and good visual made for a fun snake game even as repitive as it can be but I was pretty impressed with this game and the end results so nice game overall


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