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heh funny

heh it was tricky atfirst, but got the hang of it, it was kinda funny, hehe that funny GW heheh i feel like you have showed us all that these games take some time but based on your game here you really made the effort, anyways fun game here



ok but this has been done before hmmmm, but I guess that's ok it was actually a pretty decent one and I think it could even be better maybe some smoother graphical points anyways nice work here nice art and graphics in this


not bad

the blood could be more realistic, and more options would be nice, good game though, love the alied dude, you have something decent here and has some good potential to be even better I did like this game



This was a fun and fast paced game you have here love the drop down style and love the upgrades A decent game here I really enjoyed playing around with this as there was some good vibes from this decent visuals and somewhat of an entertainment value to this submission, but in the end I liked what you have presented here and was pretty good if you ask me, also enjoyed the black and white themed style on this game


Tricky game

This was a tricky game but loved the whole music concept gets pretty hard though, I was taken back with this submission as it was pretty good You have processed alot into this game and shows the work you have done with the visuals and brings out a sense of entertaining value that I like to see in these types of games So I found there to be alot of great things in this Game, nuce music in this too


hehe cool game

this was a great game, played it a few times to get all the fun out of it, love the cannons, you should make more, great game Could use a few extras though but maybe for the next one But what I will say is this was a fun little game, anyways keep up the good work



wow the thing about this is me and a friend had this idea and did this typ of a game on paper back in jr high hehe it was fun, anyhow great game, maybe add some keys and other rooms with treasure and some monsters heeh anyways thats what we did



well that was interesting, but not what i was expecting, looks like a stick killer game or somthing. it was a decent little game though and I had fun with it some smoother pints of art detail and such props to you for a fun filled game the gameplay was really fun i have enjoyed here on this one its those small yet fine details that caught my eye


very cool idea

i dont know how it was done, but it was just a great idea, hehe i found out that 10/20 works the best, anyhow great game a solid fun and entertaining game so nice efforts here making it a more fun game style and its not everyday one can find random games like this one



ok well not bad, the second ep came up so fast, should take some time with each ep so that you get a better outcome, but anyhow it does seem better then the last, maybe make things abit more clear on the graphics, and the buttons seem to only work sometimes, ohwell really love this comic book style though


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