
11,872 Game Reviews

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Kick em up

A fun kick fight game here the art with all the color element was really fun controls are very smooth and responded some fun kick em up game here There are some nice games out there but this one you have graced us with bring on some fun interactivity I found this game to be loads of fun and that's what one looks for in a game like this one and hope others find this just as entertaining as me


Interesting Concept

So this game had an interesting concept some cow action and some tetris binding made for a fresh and fun game Keep the vibe and fusion of games like this alive because this was a solid game Creativity that's what this game brings to the table with some good style some very nice but most of all you keep it all pact in and not boring and that was a big plus for me, Fun tetris and cow type of game it was fun


LeSam responds:

Thanks for playing and the comment!

That's exactly what I was going for :D

If you had fun with it, all the better!

Very Tricky

This was a very tricky game the gameplay is sharp and keeps you on your toes also love the balck and white themed element here Not bored with this at all allowing the player to focus on the fun gameplay so for me this game was a nice touch some good style and flavour and you just make it work right from the start, Its games like this that really spark some good interest and fun elements, Fun and edgy game



The art is very fresh and cute looking the game was a tad confusing at first but loved the gameplay love the cute lil animals games like this can get addictive as i have been playing them for years with some fun games out there you bring on some nice fun activities in this game and its games like this that really make me enjoy the games even more as the addictive style comes into play also you make it that much more fun to play, Cute lil animals


Fun shooter

The visual effects of the backround and top view points was amazing the controls on the ship was well recieved some nice visuals and some nice details would love to see more bigger games with this kind of style as your game here was pretty solid in its own way bringing on some nifty gameplay and some nice visuals and gameplay those are just a few things i have enjoyed on the game here so thats a plus for me, a good top view shooter


Very impressive

Wow this was very impressive, its one of those flash tuts that takes you step by step, which im sure will help alot of users well i hope it will, anyways great tutorial, you should make a more advanced one Add some backround music Decent tutorial, with a step by step process



Well the game is notbad its fun at first but needs more interest level of some type some added bonus elements could be added the art is nice but needs more sparkle in the graphics could use some touch up and whatnot, the game plays well but again needs more of a fun factor to it anyways nice game entry but thats what I take away from this one I liked it



Well this is an interesting game here seems like time and loves left are what makes it tick but the game itself is interesting and unique in its own right has some decent ideas and good concept about it but honestly this was pretty fun but seems to lose interest as it goes on so would be nice if there was additional extras to keep it more exciting anyways fun game



I think this game is somewhat unique in its own right and you bring on some fun ideas and the tools etc to solve some of the puzzles is nice at the sametime it being a platformer type it made it that much more unique the game is nice the gameplay is very fun the graphics are pretty nice so even though the game is dated its a fun element of a game so nice work here


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