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Another fun entertaining game quix and puzzle all fuesed into a fun thinking game with some beautiful art style What a fun game you have created here for us to enjoy you bring on some fresh ideas and designs and even showcase it well with this style of game and is refreshing to see people add depth and detail such as you have done here, once again love the art and puzzle style here



While I do like this strategy platformer style its confusing at first but really has a nice visual of gameplay and plays very well just different I love me some unique games like this and you have a nice style with this particular one it has its own twists and a unique style and some nice added flavour and you really know how to make a fun game out of it all so that was a plus, A different kind of game but very fun


Very nice

I like the platformer style and some good detail all the way around with this game, seems to have some good addictive style about it,Can really be fun and worth it So keep doing what you do best There are even things that could make this even more productive but its some solid work inded, you bring on some nice elements of details and the effects are nice too



A fun and unique entry here you gave it some nice gameplay action with a few extras that made this game that much better so nice game indeed, notbad, i like all the green men, they looked funny to kill, hahah maybe ad a bigger gun, woyld be great shooting them down in just a few soconds



Kind of hard cause when i try somthing it never worksout, that ball was coming very fast, and the the padle thingie didnt move arrg so my advice is make it somewhat easier so its has a more fun factor about this all.



hmm some kinda skate tutorial, with badly drawn sticks, and yes i have drew bad sticks also. some improved sticks and some improved art style but other then that this was a decent game type so nice job


Needs changes

what was this, still very confused to what this or what its not, some stramge kinda test, ohwell, maybe better luck next time the art style could be smoother and there could be some more refined gameplay about it, it seemed more like a test of sorts its ok though



So this was nice some added pixel and some nice music mixing makes for a fun game indeed, lots of nice use of color so nice job on this one, gameplay plays off the content well and for me thats a big plus love the passion in this, this game was actually pretty creative and has a style all on its own so nice job on this very imaginitive game here and hope to see more sometime soon



This was fun the music is pretty jamming I like the blood element on this one Now this is a good game i could really dig into this one all dat you bring all the little stuff out into the game world and it shows off well i love the visual effects you bring into this and just make it a fun game experience, The medals are easy at first and harder later as expected so nice game


Interesting game

I like the game I think the downside is having the main key as the Shift key spacebar would be much better You have a unique passion about this game style and that passion really transcends into a deeper visual and fun play here even the gameplay plays off the content well and for me thats a big plus love the passion in this, A fun lil game here and some nice color use on blocks and backrounds


MohinathAnimations responds:

Thanks for the kind words! I am glad you like the simplicity of my game. I actually made a sequel called “cubic drifter” that is on my profile if you want to play it! Its made in haxe and looks a whole lot better while keeping the simplicity.

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