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This is notbad of a game the cannon balls are interesting and delicate at times but it's pretty interesting the games mechanics are good and some smooth controls on this game I had a blast with this game so keep up the good work



A nice action gameplay here I love the fighting mechanic it was nifty and made the game fun, and the art was awsome very welldone. You also gave this some nice storyline, the mini games are a nice touch on this game too, games like this can get addictive as i have been playing them for years with some fun games out there you bring on some nice fun activities in this game and its games like this that really make me enjoy the games even more as the addictive style comes into play also you make it that much more fun to play, anyways nice storyline


Monkey Trouble

Well this was an entertaining game some monkey trouble it seems, didnt know what to do at first but it was rther fun A nifty little game here Some nice details that make this game complete and it's those fine details that come alive in this game submission like the gameplay was pretty good, I do think adding on more bonus stuff maybe some extra battle rooms of sorts anyways fun monkey game here


MSGhero responds:

Someone convinced me to make a sequel

Very unique

So this was like a platformer but has some nice unique mechanics the color depth is amazing with the purples and dark colors was actually very fun, the controls do take a bit to understand but are notbad, Glad I had the chance to feast my eyes on this game because you have done a few things that I have not seen before and its always nice to see some different aspects and such, A fun platformer type here


Nice one

Another fun game the whole black and white theme here is pretty amazing and looks good the game itself was tricky with switch elements but also made it fun, Something nifty here with this game even a unique game like you have graced for us to enjoy here and trust me what I say this was a fun and entertaining game, bringing some nice effects and details and its those small details that really made it that much more fun, anyways nice puzzle like game here



This was different I do like the pixel element of this, I do think it does need more of a small instruction element about it but the game once I got into it was actually fun love the atari like feel and pixel element it brings, Something nifty here with this game even a unique game like you have graced for us to enjoy here and trust me what I say this was a fun and entertaining game, Love the pixel element this game has


DaemonPlus responds:



This was some nice pixel and or sprite work here and made it very colorful here, the controls are notnad the medals are a nice choice and rather easy for the mostpart, You added your own twist of ideas and that really showcased here well and some nice flavour so for all that nice job keep up the good game works, The gameplay is entertaining and I do like the fitting music for the fun interactivity


Wow crazy

Now this was a very intense game you have created here I love the depth of it all, the sci-Fi element and 3/D visuals are intense a fun sci fi platformer here Something nifty here with this game even a unique game like you have graced for us to enjoy here and trust me what I say this was a fun and entertaining game, bringing some nice effects and details and its those small details that really made it that much more fun, a fun sci fi platformer here


RiverForgeGames responds:

Thanks so much!

Nice game here

A fun little platformer game here this was actually fun and you make it get harder and thats what I liked about it From what you've provided us with you have shown some good promise with this one some areas and aspects of the game could be smoother but was still pretty good but anyways you have a decent game here, fun dark and a simple platformer


Love it

So while this was a tetris element it was a fun game love the sound F/X and tetris is ok with me good gameplay some nice visuals but most of all you make it fun and entertaining and that's all we really ask for so for me this game submission it was a solid entry, and it was a fun game all around so nice energy here it was a fun exciting and fantastic game, nice tetris style of a game


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