
11,872 Game Reviews

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Cute game

This was a cute little game here I love the top view graphics and the art is simple but the gameplay is fun and I like the music element you do with the guitar, anyways nice game here



Kind of like snake but then not lol, but I like the simple elements about it and you have some fun kind of hide and seek type thing here but that amkes the game fun, anyways simple and fun nice work


Very nice

So I have to say its one of the more fun tower defence games I have played in a while its also more simple and thats ok, The game has lots of waves and thats what I liked I think I lasted on one heart for a long time but regardless this was a really nice tower defence game


Fun game

First off the graphics are very nice the sounds and details are good, seems to end quick thougb maybe adding on to a bonus round of sorts, but overall this was a pretty fun game great creature too



I love the bouncy spring its a good start of a game zombies are slow but good thing you have a fast forward lol Theres a lot of nifty stuff about this game But do feel like there could even be more medals and more levels, This was kind of nifty work you have here and a fun game with nice graphics


Good game

Nice game the shooter style is nice Everything in this has processed very well and effectively it was acceptable no I take that back infact it was spectacular and I didnt find much lackluster areas, so nice game here with this action shooter



Hmmm ok the animation was very slow, was it like 1 frame per second, anyways just abit slow, not all that funny, graphics need some fine tuning, i wont give you 0's but you need to clean it up, and work harder next time



you gave a positive light on this Ha that was entertaining, kinda got killed first few rounds, but soon got the hang of it, that one shark is a pain, nice game, Everything in this has processed very well and effectively hope to see more like this soon



Hey that kinda unfair when you cant beat the computer it knows every move, i like the game cause you dont see this type on newgrounds at all, and its great scripting i will give you that but, you made it so the computer knows every move, might also want to add some music choices...


Fun one

This was a nice one I like the small elements here and the coin collecting is fun Well here we have something interesting a good game if you ask me I thought it was presented well and I thought there was some nice elements throughout this whole game, The graphics are simple and nice but anyways lets get really started with the details of this review So thoughout this review I wont get into too much of the negitive no reason too as its a solid game, alos loved the music on this game


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