
11,872 Game Reviews

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Cool point and Click

So it was nice seeing a point and click here but you did very well with this point and click just needs more medals, I guess I will start off by saying that This was kind of nifty work you have here Its always hard to start off a submission like this, as mentioned could use more medals


Groovy platformer

This was pretty groolvy from the funky character to the vibrant colors and the level designs are nice wish there was more medals on this particular game though, Now what I got from this submission was alot of things but what comes to mind is that it is groovy even a word I like to use swanky basicly means it was fresh, its a fun gameplay and playthough of the platformer, and I was delighted to come across it, How creative this was So This game had a lot going for it and towards all the elements this kind of game brings forward It is loaded with lots of fun and exciting elements, So nice gameplay fun platformer here.


Good game

So this was nice I love the puzzle element about this game To start off this review is kind of hard because Theres a lot of nifty stuff about this game I found no lackluster points if there are any points that need some work There it was a divine piece of work, good strategy style here



Wow that was awsome, very cool, probably one of the best dressups around, since it has music choices, asome graphics and detail, alot of items, its fun, and not borring like most, anyways great dress-up



Well to tell you the truth i dont know what that was, it was a soundboard of some sort, and the images were kinda disturbing, well i guess it was ok, maybe have some animated images in the backrounds when you hit a button


Kill the glove

This is notbad. I love the idea of kill the glove lol made this game fun and unique has a good style of fun nice art style and keeps you interested while it's an older game it's still fun and found it entertaining so nice game indeed


PoisonHeart responds:

thank you very much. this was a special tie in my life, i ever made it as anything....but this reminds me of a time when i truly tried to my best in spite of the fact that you seem to run everything into the ground. no wonder i filed. i candefinitely tell it's you. you stalked me for 30 years after you raped me when i was a little kid. you made my life a libving hell and trapped me in this horrible place. i hate you for being anything.

Needs more

So this game was fun can be even better as it seemed un finished just needs that extra more maybe some epic boss battles would be one way about things some added achievements and medals and smoother controls


Nice game

So the game is nice I like the energy of it you may want to think about changing up the music and depth of it all also it needs a little extra on the game the high score thing is nice though so keep it up



So the game is notbad I like it I like the different mode but do feal like there could be more to the game maybe some extra bonus stuff maybe even some medals achievements would be a plus anyways nice game


Maze game

So this one was notbad I love that you made lots of levels but think you could change up the backround of each level, You have really created a fun maze style game good quality of a game here there was some nice detail nice effects and even better visuals so nice job on those efforts on things, As mentioned maybe some changes on backrounds maybe even mixing up the music too, I realized it was alot better then I had expected and really grew on me So as I start to end this review the game itself gets better and better throughout, I love the maze style here and you gave it something extra


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