
11,872 Game Reviews

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Well i thaught it would be better, it seemed to turn into nothing, and the buttons didnt do anything just some msg, it was a funny idea of a joke, and the backrounds need some detail, it was worth a look


Fun and cute

Haha it was fun and entertaining, aswell as cute, the sprites could have been sharper looking, the game itself was abit laggy, but also simple, still fun and entertaining though, it was ok...


Interesting game

So this was an interesting game could use more content more features some of the art style was interesting but some areas could be improved, controls not too bad but could be smoother, I had some fun with this game



Well I have to say I had a fun time with this game, the graphics not the best but gave it some humor lol, the gameplay was wonky but guess that was intended the audio voice was creepy but also funny, overall a fun and entertaining game


Very good one

I like the refreshing style of the game with some nice fresh looking art, I do have to say the last boss was a bit tough but love the concept of the game, Good effort here and I really look forward to seeing more of your games down the road this was a fun one


Good one

So this was a nice lil game and its not so little infact its all apout epic beard lol, no but really some fun action in this game and some nice controls too a fun game indeed on this onnne



The game is fun but seems like one of the more harder point and click games the systems and puzzles a little more tricky then normal, I really like what you did here and the effort does show the art is amazing and fresh looking



Well that was a fun little game there some nice sprite work in this one, I had some decent fun with this the medals were nice but seems like there was not enough easy level medals but it shouldnt be too easy I supose, it played well with the controls and smooth flow of the game, anyways nice job.



Another fun game here its a good adventure with some really nice graphics so good job on the art element some nice puzzle systems nothing too hard but all in good fun, you really put some effort and energy into This game and it shows so nice game


Very fun game

There is some good strategy needed on this game, the controls of the running and jumping is nice, the game can lag a bit maybe all the graphics jumping around? Decent effort I really like what you did here and the effort does show so thanks for putting the time in on this game once again it does show, I do love the simple graphics but a lot of it comming in seems to lag it, but all the different levels and acheivments make this a very fun game Shows the time and skill you put into this game it will be great for all Anyways keep up the work I like the effort you put in sofar and look forward to seeing more of this game even advancing, And last but not least the music was very good


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