
11,872 Game Reviews

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Nice simulator

The simulator is good the medals are nice but wish there was more, there were a few things that could be better as suggested above but overall it was pretty good You have a good style and the effort shows in the game, The interactivity could be even more but for the mostpart the animation and graphics are good this was fun you could use a few more things here but overall its a fresh fun game But anyways Keep up the good work, Love the art work here and some good animations



The game here was good and some decent strategy on it, I was having fun with this as well very entertaining, speed and timing works well on this game here and does get hard



So the game itself is nice its actually a fun and fresh platformer I was taken back with this submission as it was pretty good You have processed alot into this game and shows the work you have done with the visuals and brings out a sense of entertaining value, The music could be changed up from this but overall was still good, Some nifty mechanics that I like to see in these types of games So I found there to be alot of great things in this Game, Fun platformer nice and fresh graphics


Nifty game here

So this was a nifty little clicker of a game was having trouble with the medals as it didnt indicate success but overall the game was fun and good lil fun time with this game so nice job



Fun game, love the top view, and the music really gave it a fun and gaming feel to it, love the simple action packed gameplay with all the other ninjas attacking and all, really neat game, and not laggy at all like most games like this



I really liked this idea of the comics it was neat, and i been wanting to do something like that, anyways nice idea, and great color use, hope to see more like it soon, oh ya btw awsome music



Ok fun you have here, i really liked the gameplay you made, and how you need to figure things out at times. The levels were good, and it was fun to play. Maybe next time you could add more to the backgrounds, and walls in the levels, but its still a goof effort so far...


Good game

This was a good game with some good depth about it, seems like im not the onlyone who has issues with how hard lvl 19 is A decent game here I really enjoyed playing around with this as there was some good vibes from this decent visuals and somewhat of an entertainment value to this submission, A good visual of details some fun puzzle style but its the platformer element that really thrives on this but in the end I liked what you have presented here and was pretty good if you ask me, A good platformer and puzzle style of a game here


Good one

So this was actually pretty good I love the design of the game its simple yet fun, a bear with a fancy suit on you cant go wrong there, It's rather short so wish it was a tad longer and more features to keep ones interest, but overall its a fun game



A good gravity game the mechanics are the interesting and this made for a fun game does take time to understand the gravity style and whatnot some nice visuals here in this game


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