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Fun game, i played it twice, wasent worried about the filesize as the entertaining level kept me interested, i would love to see another version of this, with more skill levels of some sort just for that overall outcome, anyways fun game, nice work


Simple and fun

This was ok, your really need some backrounds though, while the blank backrounds could have color and back settings it would greatly improve on the outcome of the flash, also try and make it so you can shoot different areas of the enemy and not just the head, also another idea could be to have the body fall down once killing him, anyways fun game with some really cool music, but could use some changes and fix's


Cool game

So this here was a cool game and the bunnies make a fun sound here so props to you on that element and the game can get pretty intense with high bunny energy lol nice game



The game here was good I am probably the biggest fan on point and click games and this was pretty solid some fun searching nice interactive and fun gameplay so nice job here


Good one

So this was nice and kind of takes you back it has some nice effects but even better gameplay and has a style of it's own so nice work indeed I like the puzzle like system too good job



This was another nice take on the bbs awards and makes it a fun game with some added details and some fun visuals too a nice bbs game awards here I liked it so nice job


Kevin responds:


Fun platformer

This was fun I like the use of color in this game and some nice effects too, gameplay is good and some decent medals good effects especially as a graphics for this particular game, Thats the take I got from the fun game here that pixel just has a unique shine and detail, but for the mostpart it is pretty impressive so nice game


Intense game

The game is really good I love the run and gun element on this game, the story part of things are good too and the character is pretty funny and amusing a good lil game you have created here


Fun pixel style

Intense game I love the final fantasy and platformer style here the color and art is just amazing some good combo attacks too This was an interesting style of game some good entertainment from this game but I really enjoy the pixel push you had on this game and it really showcases some fun details


Very fun

Hey this was a very fun game, and almost in 3d even made it entertaining, nice job on this all around, and fuuny stuff like him spinning around hehe, the coins and the blocks all looked good, and nice touch as it was a very complete game, and had lots of fun with it, great game indeed.


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