Ha well the scream at the end was odd, but funny as for the topic matter not sure if alot of kids are gonna want to take the time with it, it was fun but it could use more visuals.
Ha well the scream at the end was odd, but funny as for the topic matter not sure if alot of kids are gonna want to take the time with it, it was fun but it could use more visuals.
The game was fun, kinda simple idea, did you create this game??? anyways simple and fun needs more stuff on the game itself, lots of different styles could make it better More games in the one flash would be cool
Haha ok this was funny a crazy kinda funny, i would suggest more options then just the 5 buttons you had,, and maybe more limb animations, aswell as different backround scenes, it was fun though
Haha this was cute, especialy the characters, while you probably meant for it to be "B&W" it could be improved with some color, the game was fun, good action and easy on the controls made it a fun game, nice game Add some color even if its just alittle here and there
Great game
So this one is nice I love the pixel style graphics here and the top view of the game is awsome reminds me of games we made on paper back in the day lol, but really a nice intense and fun game here really nice work
So this was a fun one and for a platformer type it was pretty good and fun, the lil guy has some good jump skills nice graphics with the pixel/Sprite and the gameplay was nice as was the game controls on this game
The shooting while on a horse was pretty intense While I liked this game there are some good and bad points about it anyways hope it helps as this was actually a pretty good Game, also love the music and all the shooting was pretty fun here, But what I will say is this was a fun little game you have created here nifty and fun game, A great shooter game especially on a horse lol
The game was fun, very addictive, and it won some awards so congrats on that, the gameplay was very addictive and entertaining, could use more options but i enjoyed it from start to finish, nice job. More things to do maybe even some mini games would be fun, and abit of compressing if you can
Haha well i must say it was entertaining, the controls didnt seem that easy but it was fun, the audio was abit anoying after awhile, but all n all it was fun. Some more detail like in the backrounds, maybe different fighter to take on, and such
It was notbad, i did think it was abit large on the window size abit and even some of the text which just gives it an odd look, but hopfuly it will it will help others when learning a few things as an upgrade Smaller text and window sixe
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