
11,872 Game Reviews

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So this was pretty fun I like the energy of this and even the relaxed elements the game itself was pretty nice. And you bring some interesting ideas and that's makes it even more fun



This was a nice game some good ideas and concepts in this game I love the gameplay and smooth controll systems the escape idea here is pretty good so nice game here it's fun good job



So this was pretty good I like the game energy and with some zombie related element made for some fun action and the controls came off well so nice game indeed good job


Fun Classic

Fun classic game, i dont know maybe it was my machine but seemed as if the game had no sound??? it was still fun though, and seemed to respond well to the controls, nice game Add some unique ships and things to give it your own style or something.


Haha good

This was notbad a decent quiz if i say so myself, the drop down box was cool, kinda neat and wel coded, the text for the questions could have been abit better though, but for the mostpart it was entertaining, so notbad at all Make the text for the questions abit larger or something.


Decent game

This was notbad and the sound quality was ok but still could be improved, even with some sleeker lookin buttions and abit more, for the most part it was funny make the soundboard somewhat your own, maybe adding something different then all those other soundboards and stuff, say like add a little "CLIP" from the topic matter of your board with each button, it would be different from the other boards and give yours abit more style to it


Fun clicker

So this was actually one of the better clicker games and what a way to do it with Tom lol, the options are notbad and was not too hard and clicking can get faster and fun especially with the angry Tom lol, anyways a fun lil clicker game here



A fun lil toasting game dont think I ever waited 5 min though lol, but this was a cute lil game the art of the character and backround was actually pretty good a fun lil game here and had fun with this



So this game was very tricky right from the start i love the colored blocks and puzzle system A fun game you have here theres was lots of great visuals and some nice detail with some pretty good effort on your side of things, I also love all the medals but some levels and block choices are hard, OK so while this reviews is almost comming to an end I found this game submission to be fun somewhat entertaining, anyways a really fun puzzle block system


Classic pong

Classic pong what can one expect more hehe, no it was fun, the backround music helped to stay entertained, and i like how the ball gets faster very fun indeed Why not have a changing backround, like as it gets faster or something


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