
11,872 Game Reviews

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This was interesting, i did think the sprites could be of more qualitys, aswellas for making the whole visuals look abit better like more better presentation but for the most part it was a fun little game


Cool fighter game

This was a fun fighter game, i do like the "3d" like style of graphics, as for the "CONTROL" with the controls, it was abit sharp but i guess thats expected from the type of plane it might be, anyways fun game


Nice game

That was a really fun game, allthough it lacked color it was really fun and really responded well to the controls, i was impressed with the respose time, cute characters and fun game. really enjoyed the graphics in this though


Silly game

So this was pretty fun and a silly game, an upgrade or bonus element to this game would be a real plus, This was pretty fun and simple game and the medals are nice, anyways keep up the good work


Tricky game

This was kind of tricky with the control system the graphics are nice with sprite and or pixel element Glad I found this fun game submission here its one of those kinds of games that are unique and different I want to first say thanks for taking the time to make game stuff here and like this, You do have the skills and it shows infact there is not much that is lacking fun game here


Very nice

This was a nice game here i like the puzzle system allthough can be kind of hard at times Love the interactivity in this one this particular one that you have graced us with seems to have come alive the details shine, There are lots of medals and levels that make this fun and tricky, It was fun and simple but also you bring a complex element to the theme and those are some of the best kinds of games, Overall a fun puzzle like game I had a blast



So this game was really good the game mechanics are nice and the jumping responds well the art and graphics are nice and all the medals are nice, Overall I had some fun on this game really good gameplay and mechanics



A cool game here was actually pretty fun and enjoyed the medal achievments in this game here, Love the point and click style you have here on this game some nice finding points and some fun graphics on the game



I like the game it was fun, and the whole 2-player was also a nice touch, but why the small view screen? you should make it bigger and by doing that you can allow more of a level and such, anyways fun game


Fun game

This was a fun game, kinda reminded me of tetris, except with dark theme to it, i would have liked to see a more larger screen, and some sleeker looki to it aswell, but for the mostpart it was neat and fun


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