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So this was notbad has some fun style of element some nice horror element too and i guess it is like a point and click but a little different, Would be nice with even more achievments to go after, but all in all this was a nice lil game


That was fun

Haha that was a fun game, was not sure what to do at first but then soon figured it out, the reaction time with the controls was nice, and it was fun, wish the sled could move abit faster but still a fun game


Haha funny

Haha this made me laugh i played around with it and was really amazed with some of the stuff it came up with, you must have put good effort in the wording which makes it funny, also nice interface with the red and scruffy look, nice game here



This was neat, i have not playd one of these in a long while, but after seeing others like it why not add more to it and a better desktop design, it was fun for a timewaster but not much more then that, anyways it was fun



Well I guess this is more of a spam like game but the content was funny entertaining and amusing lol, seems like these tend to be more comical then anything else but I got a good chuckle out of it


Nice game

The game is decent the cliffhanger is interesting but keeps one interested much more medals would be nice, And making these games longer would be a plus for all to enjoy, this was pretty dazzling and entertaining of a game but wouldnt mind a longer version



Well that was interesting with a text based game they can be tricky I think adding on some form of of visuals maybe in the corner or top would be a plus for the game, but for the text based element you hit it out of the park


Very good game here

Fun and addictive also A well deserved game for all the awards it has recieved so a big congrats on that aspect of the submission, the spaceship shooting turtle was different but very fun to see, The art and graphics on this is pretty good and the game responds well behind all that too anyways nice game


Nifty lil game

So this was a nifty lil game here impossible yes lol no but really it is a refreshing platformer type of game here and you have some nice ideas with this game, but regardless keep up the good work


Cool game

This was a fun game, infact i was gona make something like this once, with all the dangers, but anyways fun game i really liked playing it even played it a few times, you should think about making more to it like another game soon, anyways nice job. needs more dangers would be neat as well as some sorta enemy boss like characters


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