
11,872 Game Reviews

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OK notbad This was ok, but the sound was a bit groggy or it seemed like it was, the idea was sorta neat, just the narrating was abit off , more background color could be used for the text as well, but other then that it was entertaining


A doom like game here the 3/D element was pretty good some fun enemies and a good search and fin elements in the game, A nice game entry here but do like some added extras like you have pushed so that was a plus on this themed game and hope we see more creations like you have created here, Would love to see you make more to this more levels more creatures and more search and find, This was a solid game indeed and hope you graced us with even more because I really enjoyed this game entry, A fun doom like game


Haha this was a fantastic game the graphics alone was pretty awsome the shooting mechanic and shooting all sorts of stuff was great just dont shoot the red box lol, Fun game indeed not to mention that the gameplay is fun and you can't go wrong with some nice and unique element style here and you really pushed the limits, Very fun run and gun type of game some awsome elements to the levels and fun game, A nice game here I look forward to even more because it's games like this that really sparkle, A fun game nice graphics and great shooting stuff


This was a cute little fish game its like a platformer except in water and the collecting of coins was nice, A nice entry for a game here It's not everyday we see these kinds of games but you really bring on a unique and stylish game, The graphics are nice and fresh too controls respond well, So nice job here and honestly I had fun on this game of yours even if it was just a simple one you gave it some nice depth, A fun game nice graphics and entertaining


Haha now that was a good little game here some points are hard to figure out but it was fun trying to find out I think a faster relaod option would be nice maybe a kew or something but anyways a fun little game here


Haha this was actually a pretty fun game here, the visual graphics is nice it also has a cute element about it, the character was funny, collection of the coins was fun and it was simple and fun platformer but the traps were good too


Flash4lyfe responds:

Thanks, i'm glad you enjoyed it

The puzzle system here was very unique and different from what I have seen before, Game entries like this are an interesting kind of game here I do like the visual detail and made for an interesting game had some unique details, The puzzle system does get pretty hard as it progresses but was very fun, Good game design here the visuals are not bad so for me this was a pretty fun game and you gave it your own vibe, A fun and tricky puzzle game here very fun and entertaining


Well this was different for sure I really like the color and platform switch it does get tricky, Some extra medals would really be nice for this game, But overall it was fun and entertaining nice concept with the color switch


Haha ok this game was very funny especially all the sounds it does get hard as you play though though, the audio was great though and love all the medals the content was odd but again still a pretty fun floppy bird type of game


Well this was notbad some of the systems did seem too hard but maybe it was just the way of tackling it, and I think even more medals would have been nice, it was well-made very well made if you ask me nice point and click game here


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