
11,872 Game Reviews

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A nice action shooter you have made here this was pretty nice The hit target on areas seem to be off especially when on the plane, I found this one to be a unique and detaild entry so good job on this piece this was a slow day to find anything unique and or decent but I did just that with your piece, an interesting game here


This was an interesting game but you bring on some nice fun elements and some good strategy style here, So with this game you need that specific roll to help your odds, but besides that I found this game to be rather fun and entertaining so nice job indeed


This one keeps your interest and is fun Another fun tower def game here the waves get pretty good and intense at times the style of game this is makes you wanna play for a long time, I Really enjoyed the options for defending too, But anyways this was pretty good of a game here I like it


Some added tower building options would be nice for this game A nice game you have created here with some really nice style of waves that comes with the whole tower of def game like this, And you made it very interesting and did not get boring one bit


Well this was notbad the megaman-spoof stage was different and tricky but also pretty fun, You did good with the voices in this also very nice, Great game! It was a blast to play simple and fun game nothing too advanced but a fun game here so nice job


Nice story game These story games are always nice more item interaction would be nice, I feel like there could be even more medals on this not to take away the ones you have but adding in more would be a plus on this game

So nice work here and sometimes games like this need the right nutrition of elements and you have added just that especially with these particular type of games and games, I am looking forward to other stuff you have done and whatnot I wouldn't mind some various other amenities of visual details that could help push this to another level, add more medals to these. But anyways nice story game here


These are nice Not sure how many of these you have but you do have some nice story elements on these and I would suggest adding in some extra medals more then the one you have to add in that extra fun factor

First off graphics to be honest this was kind of special and is merely average, but you brought some nice effects around it and made for some fun activities, So in that aspect of things I have enjoyed this and how it all started up this had a nice buzz And it was pretty Remarkable how all this turned out as well so nice job


Wow intense Now this here was an intense game I love the visuals this could for sure use some more medals for more fun in finding some, And as I get started on this flash entry, I have found it to be entertaining there was some very interesting happenings going on

lots of fun there was good and bad points on this one, so in that aspect of things some things could be better on this game, But for the most part I got some good fun and entertainment from it, and now I end here so nice game


Well here was another interetsing game this game was a challenge and I Really liked that about this game here, This is one of those games that comes t life with some fun gameplay and great mechanics, Nice game indeed overall this was a pretty good game


Now here was a fun action platformer game it did seem rather short but I still found this game to be pretty entertaining, The hardest part for me was the last lava area with the rising platforms with the fireballs I eventually got it but was still a nice game and a fun platformer


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