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Classic Haha this is another one of those classic scripts from flash kit with a few changes, i have to admit this ships controls were easier then others and ran smooth with little or no lag at all, but it was good, and I had fun with it so it was a fun little game while boredom is kicking in, anyways nice work keep it up


Fun and simple Well not bad, but this was bland and somewhat simple, most soundboards like this one are all the same, why not change that so that it becomes more yours, like small animations of what the buttons say would be one way, and maybe some of your very own art designs from the movie would be cool, anyways it was funny but seems like all the rest


Well this was different but still pretty fun, The levels on this game seemed moderate and needed mor of a challange, Some of the buttons on the interface itself could be better placed, This was very functional in all of its aspects but regardless still found a fun game indeed and hope to see more of these types, anyways good game


I immensely enjoy these types of games the puzzle element mixed in with some platformer style was nice, I was totally immersed in getting past each challenging level, And thats what I really enjoyed with this game and it had some good mechanics and was very fun


Well once again we find one of your fun and creative games here, It reaaly gets difficult with the all keys and both hands mixes, and as always some nice art style Munguia you have really great games, But anyways a fun and unique game here i look forward to even more


This is a worthwhile submission no matter what way you look at it a unique game indeed, having to figure out paths simultaneously was a nice touch on this game and with different colors by restricting movement that was really different, The game is a quite good challenge and nicely done


A good little skill avoide game here and some interesting elements of fun on this one, I like the challange a real surplus of obstacles that slow you down, Overall some gliches but still a fun and entertaining game here so please do keep it up


Here was something good here a fun platformer style, So the great tiger shark lol no but really this was a fun little game, You have made this a spectacular one some flashy effects and fun gameplay made this pretty fun so thank you for a fun game experience here


Interesting style I like how you made this from scratch some nice background music some nice checkpoints some good danger points but I feel like it need more traps more dangers maybe more creatures to stop the stick figure from moving forward

So here was a game that has style and flavor a fantastic and fun game bringing in some excitement with a style all on its own and that's something you don't get with every platformer game these games are always fun and always some good gameplay and has a style all on its own and very unique if a game but that's what I really enjoyed here, maybe more creatures to stop the stick figure from moving forward


Well this was an interesting game and has a nice side scroller about it, art and music is beautiful and go well together really liked the art style here and that music was nice, I think the science world was very nice and unique, A fun game indeed I had some fun here


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