
11,872 Game Reviews

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Well this was interesting seems like a click here and its over its a fun element but wish there was more dress up elements about this game here more interactivity about this kind of game, but anyways hope you make even more of these types they are interesting


Well notbad with this one its an interesting game kind of like a slot machine type its pretty fun and the graphics are visualy nice with some nice results a welldone game here very fun and entertaining, so anyways keep up the good work here I look forward to even more


The controls worked well and ran smooth And have to say the photos are pretty fantastic, And the music worked well with the content, This game was very beautifully made and the creativity does showcase well, But all in all this was fun here on this game submission


Pimp your fashion ride very nice indeed And another fun and unique dress up game here these games come through the portal often but you gave this one a nice little theme here, I love the itens and prop types and it makes it interesting but regardless this was a fun little dress up game here


A good and nifty game here very unique with the puzzle systems here, This game was nice because it's all very professionally done, I think even more color combos would have been nice for this game here, The black octopi was very nice a fun game here nice style


A good game here the game kind of just goets started that was notbad, This was some great work here on this game its one of those that was interesting and keeps you entertainined even it was a fun entry though but anyways nice work here on this one


A nice dress up game Sweet girl dress up you have created here nice dress up game you have created here its fun and you have a good theme, I love the itens and prop types and it makes it interesting, these games come through the portal often but you gave this one a nice little theme here


Decent game Well ok, a bit odd, but yet it was somewhat entertaining, extra with this game entry Another fun game here and you bring on some nice ideas with this specific game maybe some different choices of music would be good, but i had fun with it, not much else you can do with it but not bad


Nice game Cool game, it was not laggy like a lot of these are, the ships looked very awesome looking great detail and the explosions looked great as well, this game is not original though, you need to take it and change it so that its different then the billion of people that send in games just like it, but i was entertained with it, keep up the good work


Simple and fun this was fun, and at least its not an exact clone copy from flashkit, i like the very bright colors used, it entertained me for a few plays, it also starts off very fast, you may want to make different diff levels, nice work though


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