
11,872 Game Reviews

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A nice skill based game here with a bit of strategy those are always the fun ones, kind of like a fun clicker game, You should have more variety in a game like this more content more elements of suprise and bonus elements anyways a fun game here so nice job


Well this was interesting and somewhat cute I like the platformer style too, make fishing a weapon very nice but it should be faster somewhat, Hopping or jumping on them was a basic kill option lol guess I should have used my rod lol anyways cute and fun game


jacklehamster responds:

Thanks for trying out all my games!

There was a tiny bit of lag here, Another fun and interesting game here you can't go wrong with some platformer styles of games just like you have created here I found this one to be interesting with a game concept with some unique mechanics nice platformer elements


Educational submission this was This is a really great game for people who want to learn about Europe or test their knowledge of the place I like the gameplay, and the animation that goes along with this, its all very smooth, and organized in this game, and that makes it really nice, I wont say my score but I did pretty good. Making more of these would be really cool anyways nice entry


Not bad with this game entry here That was really fun, and its something anyone could play The animation is draw extremely well, and the gameplay is really smooth, I like how its all put together and how there is no errors, and the control are very nice indeed, I like the how idea behind this, and its really fun to play but anyways I like what you have made here today


Fun game another nice and educational fun game you have made here, and this time its about my country so its even cooler I like the gameplay, and how you set it up for asking questions and everything, I really liked the way you have drawn things in here, and how detail thing are, I did really well on the test since I know my country well so it was fun to test my own knowledge but anyways a fun game this time around


On of the better games over time it always has some interest of gameplay sometimes simple and fairly easy but overall some fun and you have showcased that here with your entry too, Making for something of interest too so please do keep that going on


Well this was notbad of a game here the diff levels seem to change during game at times not everytime, simple mechanic jumping this game had the right amount of fun and entertaining value, Does not take to long to finish this game here, it was a little difficult at some times but still had some fun


An interesting fighting game you have musterd up here, I like the tutorial elements of this game and you created some nifty art style in this, and the characters are nifty looking some added polish on other parts of the game would be nice, anyways I had some fun here


A nice gadget element and construction set idea / concept, the snapping works really well with this so some nice mechanics all together, Some stuff seems to cluttered so in that sense more space in general but overall a fun and unique game here keep it up


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