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There was no negative but eliminating a few weaker points would be nice but again may not be needed as you had some nice results here That was great, very fun, and awesome scripting, props to you for the scripting the mouse has a sleek move, kind of tough as you move on, anyways nice game


So this was worthwhile and my final words on this was terrific game but still found it pretty entertaining and fun so nice work on this game entry Fun game kind of reminds me of crop duster, good control action the plain moved very well birds came at a decent speed as well, could use some more sound/fx for a better effect, good game


Ha that was a fun game, very entertaining and original, I like the backgrounds, if you could improve on this film, I would say have the monkey open his moth when he grabs a banana or something, and some more animating from the monkey, funny though, fun game, i had fun with it


Haha well going through some of your games this was actually funny and entertaining you really make some funny games and they are interesting cant wait to see what else you bring, But as for this one it was over in a quick second anyways fune one here


Lol well it is a platformer game simple and fun and has all the mario related elements but I guess that makes this one a fun game so the visuals are fun and its an entertaining game here could use more interaction with elements in the backround


Well this was interesting seems like a fun and silly game could be something you could make into a dress up or something, The visual was notbad but it was entertaining a fun and silly game you have created here but anyways keep them comming lol


Well congrats on the future of 1000 the game lol you have made a lot of silly ones but they can be pretty fun and entertaining and that's the point anyways nice one


ZabuJard responds:

i havent been making many of em after reaching 1000 ; p

1000 games well that is a lot of games this was an adventure and like the scoreboard on this game here it keeps it interesting so nice job


You really like these types of games while most are fun and silly you do have some passion for making these games though so not bad


Not bad on this game and I really like all the medals and achievments really made for some fun game style here and keeps it fun, You could even make it more fun with much more added levels etc, And with all that said this was actually pretty fun


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