
11,872 Game Reviews

706 w/ Responses

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Cool trick

Ok now i really liked it, it was a cool trick, looks like you took alot of time and effort to make this, but its decent and is a great flash game for the skilled here on newgrounds, once again great job...


Great stuff

Congrats on the award, it was one of the best around, overall greatnesss, very good artwork, had fun with it. this was a pretty fun game make more sometime.



Ok notbad at all, as a dress-up fan, i like them, my advice would be add many more items, maybe some backround scenes, and so on, and dont listen to the last reviewer as yes a girl dress-up is ok, but there is just to much of that, and beside i find unique dress-ups more fun to work with, anyways great job...


Joelasticot responds:

This is only a demo, and the full game will surely never be finished, but I'm glad you liked it anyway

((( COOL )))

Well at first i thaught it was gonna be just some stupid stick death, but the fact that you listen to the reviews is great, and my favorite would be that you have black backrounds, maybe have some stick deaths by some classisc nintendo char's, but dont use sprites cause thats cheesy, mario, link, kirby etc, maybe some big tools like a huge hammer, or a huge cat aswell, well i could go on and on but dont have that much time, well hope that helped abit, it was fun to watch...


YoshY-txt responds:

You know when i read your review, i loved it, then i read your name... i loved it even more!!!!
check this out.
"hmmm ok
December 6, 2002
Reviewed by: XwaynecoltX
Overall rating: 4
well not bad, i have seen somthing like this, looks like you just made it in aswell, anyways good job, like the black backround...
Graphics: 2 Sound: 2 Interactivity: 3 Style: 5 Violence: 3 Humor: 2 "

i knew i saw you somewhere =] good to see you changed your mind =] good to know people actually care that i listen to reviews, coz that what reviews are for and NOBODY does this "review" answering no more.. it upsets me...
anyways, got your idea... i did a STUPID AND SUCKY death and i'm some days from updating it and you'll see.. its a pokemon one... i'll try to do this Mario one, but with sprites... it'll change a lil' so it wont be all the "white sticks" some sprites might go nice... dunno i'll see what i can do best.
thanks for everything you said.
btw i bothered to look at your prsonals... you are #28 popular... and you said you have high standards, so THANK YOU EVEN MORE! :P
anyways, bye! catch ya later!

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