
11,872 Game Reviews

706 w/ Responses

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((( NICE ART )))

Hey nice art and a really good interface might want to add more detailed ways of playing, and better button styles, but the art work was superb and nice backrounds aswell...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Good art and nice looking interface...


((( NICE )))

Hey that was cool, kinda reminded me of when i played duke nukem hehe good sound/fx aswell and nice detail in the view window, overall a very entertaining game with some replay value...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Fun game, with replay value...



Infact i been working on somthing like this, but just not as detailed as yours, the talking in this one was cool gave it a more scary feel to it, good game you ever going to make a full version?, heh make more flash i like your style and its rare to see top reviewers make movies aswell, so id say we are kinda alike...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: A good interactive, scary game fun and entertaing, along with some good voiceing...


thepromaster responds:

Wow, man the top reviewer reviewing MY movie. Well... it's about dam time. Ok well it's weird that you say all these things because most people hated the movie for these reasons. A lot of people didn't like -millix-'s voice. I'm glad you liked this too because I've checked your profile a couple time (no reason why) and you don't like previews or demos. So I'm happy for that. There will be a full version, eventually, but we haven't been working on it a lot because school has started and he's lazy and we are currently working on something else. Well anyways thanks for your review!

((( NICE CLIPS )))

Nice video clips, i would have loved for my version of the cannon that i made with your flash to be used in some way, but then again that would take some massive action scripting, but anyways, nice vid clips...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Design a cannon, and watch a couple of cool clips...


((( FUNNY )))

Hey that was funny, but it was really choppy for me, and how can we save kobe when he send nothing but love kiss's to all those enemy woman, heh anyways fun game...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: A free kobe parody...



Hey that was some good gameplay, very fast paced, i didnt hear any sound hmmm, ohwell still fun, also nice touch making it all mouse active, nice game...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Good interactive choices...


((( COOL )))

Hey that was cool, i think at the time when i was making my homer or pbot dress up you were working on this one, it had a decent amount of items to use, maybe more should be in there aswell as some other unique things like knifes and other weapons, it was decent though...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: A decent dress-up...



That was classic really it was, heh anyways i remember that game back in my atari days hehe, anyways good fun...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: A classic relived...


((( SLEEK )))

Cool and sleek design, really good effects, i thaught you might want to have it so when i go over a button it changes color but when i on it it also changes just a thaught anyways...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Sleek design with good fun entertainment...


((( OK )))

Well ok notbad, i love thease maze games this one had a very close up shot, i also like how the guy moves his arms as you move him, nice work here i would like to see alot more in this style, like massive weapons and such with enemires aswell, good luck...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: A decent maze game...


~X~ RECORDS: First user to reach 3k/4k/5k/6k/7k/8k/9k /10k/11k/12k/13k/14k 15k/16k/17k/18k/19k/20K/21K/22K/23k/24k/25k/26k Reviews. CURRENT #1 REVIEWER* Since 2002

Age 51, Male


Joined on 1/17/01

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